Physical Pain

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Please excuse all errors that are made in this chapter.

I tried my best to explain everything Ariyah was feeling if I failed to do so please tell me so.

I hope you guys like this chapter comment and Vote.

Enjoy 💗🤷🏽‍♀️


Ariyah was in the back seat and she was sleep.

I remember when she first told me about Amir.

I let her explain to me why was she so attached to him and I see why.

I know killing him hurt her.

But I don't know how she going to grieve with losing him.

He came back into her life quite sudden and then he tells her to him what kind of shit is that.

She might push it down and try to forget or she might just go in a deep sorrow.

I pulled up to the house and woke her up.

"I'll be in there in a minute I need to make a call" she said with a groan.

I gave her a nod and got out.

I walked in the house where everyone was at chilling around.

"Where is Ariyah" Lamar asked.

"She coming in she's on her phone" I said to him.

He gave me a nod.

A few seconds later Ariyah walked in one the phone.

"Yea I been pushing it off I know but I want to add on to it" she said on the phone.

Whoever she was talking to seem to say something she liked because she smirked a little.

"Aright you do it today or no" she asked walking to her closet.

"Cool you can come over I don't feel like going to you" she said.

"Alright you know where I live make sure to bring everything" she said opening the closet and something fell out.

It looked like a body.

"What the hell" August said.

"Is that a body" Marcy said with big eyes.

"Yep" she said then kicked him a little.

"Why the hell would you put a bed body in your closet and how long has it been in there" Lamar said looking at her.

"Okay I'll see you soon" she said on the phone then hung up.

"First he's not dead and I put him in there yesterday" she said.

"How you know he isn't dead" Samatha asked her.

She kicked him hard and the guy groaned.

"See living for now" she said then grabbed his leg.

"Why is he here" I asked her.

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