Don't Really Know

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I finally made it in the trap. Five minute late there shouldn't be a problem right. Wrong he was yelling his ass off right now.

"Ariyah are you listening" he yelled.

"Yes I am, I'm only 5 minutes late" I said to him.

"Do you know how busy I am I don't have time to waste" he yelled in my face.

You make everyone else do your dirty work so how busy are you really.

"I don't know really since I just met you yesterday" I said looking at him.

"What did you say" he said.

"I was busy with something important" I said not trying to get into anymore trouble than I am already in.

"Let get to your training you will being doing a lot today since you don't know shit about drugs or anything" he said walking to this huge table.

That's what you think.

I followed him to the table. There was packs of drugs on the table. Coke, Weed, and some needles in a zip-lock bag.

"I know about drugs that's a pound of coke, that's about a quarter of weed, and in that zip-lock bag I'm guessing is heroin since it's not on the table" I said to him.

he looked at me for a minute before saying anything.

"And how do you know any of that" he said looking at me.

well my Joshua is a drug lord himself and made me his lab rat so I been on almost every drug you can think of. Lace showed me what was what and I can't forget any of it even if I tried.

"Uh I learned from a drug dealer when I was younger and never forgot it" I said which was true so can't really say I lied.

"Well that drug dealer taught you right" he said as he pulled a scale up to me.

"Let's see how good you are with drugs and packing them Zee will tell you how much to put in the packages and I'll see if you did it right" Boss man said.

A guy came up to us and stood next to me.

"What's up" the guy Zee said to me. (Zee is in the Media)

"Hey" I said dryly.

"Ok so this is simple ok just use the scale to measure 7 grams of coke then bag it up then a 7 grams of weed in them plastic bags over there and for the heroine just use give me three ready needles" he said.

I did everything while he was telling me. Listening and getting things done. I have to get it done and over with.

"You sure you never been in this game before" he said with a laugh looking at me.

"Why you say that" I said banging the weed.

"Because I just watch not use the scale at all and I just scaled one of your bags and it's exact so something doesn't seem right" he said tilting his head.

"Old tricks that's all" I said with a shrug.

He smiled at me "so you just know shit about drugs" he said leaning on the table.

"More than you think" I said to him.

"Ok I see you" he said giving me a nod then walked out the room.


I seen Zee walking out the room Ariyah and boss was in.

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