Some days

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Some days I'll be stubborn as mule,
Some days I'll be the one hurt from the fall.
Some days I'll be lost in the woods,
Some days I'll be the one with it all.
Some days I'll be fluid as a river,
Some days I'll be louder than thunder.
Some days I'll be the thorn on a rose,
Some day I'll be the one in a blunder.
Wether I'm sad,
Or happy.
There you always are,
Making things sappy.
Bearing through my screams,
To get to the laughter,
And by all means,
Keeping my world unshattered.
With someone like me,
Whose unpredictability,
Has the probability,
Of being scary.
You love my flaws,
You love them all.
That's why you're my constant.
My feelings go from big to small.
But my heart never changes,
It stays strong,
In you,
And your love.
Through it all.

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