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When I was a kid I was scared of thunder,
And I trusted the world.
Now I trust thunder to bring rain,
But I'm scared of the world, to the point it makes me insane.
Because the world is thundering pain,
Cloudy days,
And a foggy haze,
Tornadoes and hurricanes,
Blowing our foundations away.
Lightning, brightening the night,
Earthquakes and volcanoes oh so frightening.
A snowing blaze,
Of floods and tsunami waves.
And boughs of ice,
You'd never want twice.
And ice,
And wildfires,
And blizzards,
And sandstorms,
And chaos day to night.
The world is the storm I'm afraid of,
And sadly I don't mean the weather,
Because weather changes,
Day after day,
Oh,If only humans were the same,
Then maybe I wouldn't be afraid,
Of the cloudy days,
That will never go away.

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