If Life Were A Movie

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If life were a movie,
Instead of a game,
I would hit pause,
Instead of play.
I'd repeat,
The moments,
That make my heart beat.
I'd fast forward,
The sad parts,
And replay,
The happy ending.
Because movies have,
Happily ever afters,
While games have cheaters,
And beaters,
And losers,
And weepers.
And the winner laughs,
As you struggle to keep up.
Oh if life were a movie instead of a game,
I'd get a remote,
And never let go of it again.
I'd then be a protagonist,
A hero,
Who's proud,
Who never fails to,
Stand out in a crowd.
Instead of being,
A gambler reliant on luck,
Counting on a certain card,
To get them through the muck.
But if life were a movie instead of game,
I must say,
It would be very boring,
To know it'll be okay.
But in a game,
You know,
It'll be so fun,
To play,
With your heart pulsing,
Full of adrenaline,
Making it so much more fun,
To be the one to beat.
So just go with it!
Roll the dice,
And take a seat.

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