Second chances are for losers, but fifth are not.

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I stood frozen as everyone just crowded around me. They realized something was up, and then they noticed me staring at Jacob. Alicia said, "It's okay, Livvey. You don't have to talk to him."

I said, "Oh, I want to talk to him! I guess there was no point of coming out of the woods after all."

Jacob said, "Liv, there was a point. I missed you."

I glared at him and said lividly, "You missed me? That's all I get? I expected to see a depressed Jacob, and I was going to forgive, because then you'd see how much pain you put me through. Now, you're with the leeche's slut. I should've known."

His eyes opened wide as Bella flinched. He hissed, "She left them this time."

I shrugged and said, "Cool story brahh."

He glared at me and I said, "I think I might just spend the night here and then off to the woods it is for me again. I was only gone for three months, how much of that have you been with Bella?"

He looked away. I said, "I asked you a damn question. Answer it."

He said, "Fine, I will. I got together with her two days after you left."

I said, "Don't I feel special? You were sad for two days, and then you moved on. Jesus Christ, Jacob! How could you do this to me? Do you really want to feel my pain? Or for me to leave again?"

He said, "Now you know how I feel."

I snarled, "The only reason I left was because of you. Everything else was fine. Then you said I love you, Bella to me! The pain was so emense, I felt like you'd took a knife and stabbed me through my heart."

He made a gapeing face, trying to make words appear, but he looked like a fish gasping for water. I grabbed Embry and Alicia, and ran upstairs to my old room. I opened the door and slammed it shut after those two came in. Jacob was running up the stairs and slammed into my door. I sank againist it and locked it. He said, "Liv, I'm sorry. I love you so much, please. I wish that she never kissed me, and she kept telling me to move on. And soon I believed her. I just missed you, and I wasn't self, without you..."

I walked away and onto my bed, and curled up into Embry's arms. He held me close as I stained his shirt with my tears. He stroked my hair as Alicia rubbed my back. He said, "He doesn't realize what he has, Liv. You're the best prize out there. You're funny, beautiful, athletic, have a nice tan, nice fashion sense, lovable, adorable, you know cars, and you're a man's dream. He's too stupid tp see what's right in front of him. Liv," He gulped, "I've always loved you. So much. But you were imprinted with Jake."

I saw Alicia sneak out the room, and kick something on the floor in front of my door. I said, "Em, I've always had a thing for you, but the imprint..."

He grinned and said, "We're going to make Jacob jealous. And we'll make it work, trust me."

I smiled as he rocked me in his strong arms. I kissed his cheek and he blushed. I laughed as he said, "well, let's go tell everyone that you're staying."

I nodded and he scooped me up. He set me on my feet and grabbed my hand. It was warm and calloused and it felt nice. He led me out of my room, and Jacob was sitting againist the wall. He said, "Liv, wait! Please!"

He grabbed my ankle and I toppled forward into Embry's arms. He caught me and said, "Gotcha." Then he kissed my cheek and I saw Jacob start shaking. I said, "DOn't get your tightie whities in a twist."

Embry laughed and brought me downstairs. Everyone looked waruily. I said, "I'm fine, and I'm staying."

Sam walked over to me and squeezed me and said, "I missed you, Lil Sis. Sorry about Crap Face up there."

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