Chapter 10

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It had already been a full week since me and Robbie have been stuck in this house, no need to complain though, only a week left and I didn't want him to leave honestly.

I was sitting on the couch when Robbie called out from the kitchen,"Rachel, we've eaten pretty much all over your food"
I groaned and walked to where he was.
I looked through the fridge, freezer, and pantry and even though all we've done was eat, there was still a good amount of food left.
I looked a Robbie and said,"There's food, you're just to lazy to cook"
"I want chips" he replied
"We ate all of" I said while pulling the chocolate chip cookie box from the pantry and handing it took him,"Let's make these."

I grabbed a large bowl from the cabinet and told Robbie to get the eggs and butter from the fridge.

After I put the mix from the bag in the bowl I turned to Robbie and asked,"Do you know how to crack an egg?"
"Duh, I'm not 5"
"Then get to cracking!" I replied, laughing and turning my back to him to soften the butter a tad in the microwave.

While unwrapping the butter I felt something on top of my head followed by loud laughter from Robbie.
"What's in my hair?!" I said as the substance ran down my hair and dropped to the floor.
"Robbie! You put an egg in my hair?!"
"Sure did" he laughed and turned to to throw away the egg shell.
I took that opportunity to grab the butter and smear it in his hair.
"Payback sucks huh?" I said

"Oh, you're getting it" he said turning his face towards me.

"Not if you can't catch me!" I said, but he grabbed my hand and threw the powdery cookie mix at my face.


Soon enough we were in a full on food fight, food was all over the cabinets and smeared on the floor and fridge, not to mention we were covered head to toe in cookie mix and eggs.

"Okay, Okay!" I said out of breath,"That's enough."
"I feel disgusting" Robbie replied while pulling egg shell out of his hair.
"Well I better get a showe-"
"Not until you help me clean this mess up" I interrupted.
"Fine.." he groaned,"Let's at least turn some music on" he said while turning on the stereo.
"The Christmas station!" I said while grabbing the paper towels and rags,"and then go get the mops from the utility room please"

Robbie turned on the Christmas station and Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You was on.
"I love this song!" I screeched.

Robbie came back with the mops, pretending the top was a mic.
"..What more can I do? Baby all I want for Christmas is youuuu!" We sung along with the music.

".. All the lights are shining, so brightly everywhere.." We sung, well more like screamed while I wiped the fridge and he cleaned the cabinets.
"..And the sound of children's laughter fills the air, and everyone is singing. I hear those slay bells ringing!"
We screamed and I started laughing.

"..Santa won't you bring me the one I really need.." the stereo played and Robbie spun me around
"Won't you please bring my baby to meee!" we both sung badly on purpose.

Robbie laughed and leaned forward to place his lips on mine. We were both still covered in the batter and I could taste it on his lips.
I pulled away and rubbed the side of his lip." You've got a little something.." I said.

He kissed me again quickly then said,"Let's hurry and finish this so we can cleaned up!"
"Agreed. I'm super sticky" I laughed.

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