Chapter XXXIV

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"Itty bitty baby Potter made a wittle mistake, didn't he?" Bellatrix taunted, holding Draco threateningly, facing toward Harry, wand pointed at his throat. Draco visibly quivered, tears forming in his eyes. All color was drained from his face, looking like the Death Eater who was trapped in Malfoy Manor again. Bellatrix pulled up his sleeve, revealing the wriggling Dark Mark, tapping it with her wand while whispering "mosmorde," to create the colossal skull in the sky. Draco writhed in pain as she drew blood from his arm as she cut his with her wand. She cackled as the word "traitor" appeared in blood, carved into Draco's arm. He stifled a cry as she released his arm and held him back by his hair.

"Don't worry about me, Harry," he made out through sharp, painful breaths. "Get out of here," he cried out as Bellatrix dug her wand into his throat. Harry reached for his wand, but a Death Eater disarmed him, snatching his wand from him.

"Hush, Draco," She smiled. "You don't want to disappoint our audience," She gestured to the corner, where a dozen terrified witches and wizards huddled, bound and gagged. On the counter laid a motionless body, arms draped over the edge. Blood slowly dripped off the edge of the counter, forming a sanguine puddle on the wooden floorboards. Harry backed up in horror, and ran into the arms of a Death Eater behind him.

Death Eaters stood behind Harry, blocking his way out. Harry was surrounded, and he circled around frantically, like a trapped animal searching for escape.

"I've got to say, I'm very disappointed of you, Draco. Helping the enemy like that," Lucius sneered, peeling off his Death Eater mask with a flick of his wand. He grabbed Draco from Bellatrix, holding him up by his neck, glaring straight into his petrified eyes. Draco whimpered in fear, but tried to remain strong, and suddenly was overcome by a rush of heat. His face boiled up in anger as Lucius hissed, "you are not my son," and drew his wand in a whipping motion across Draco's chest. It slashed a thin line from his left collarbone to his upper right ribs, shredding his clothes. Blood started to seep slowly out of the wound like red syrup, soaking up in the fabric of his shirt.

"Draco!" Harry cried out as Draco fell to the ground in pain, and tried to run to him, but Fenrir Greyback held him back, his black cloak shredded and swirling around his feet.

Draco looked up at Lucius in seething hatred. "And you are no father of mine," he snarled, spitting the words like fire. He tried to crawl toward a wand on the ground, but Lucius was too fast.

"Crucio!" Lucius lashed at Draco, and sent Draco into a fit of screaming pain on the bloody floor. Flames burned in Lucius's eyes. He hit him again and again with the curse, each time more excruciating to watch. Harry tried to scream for him to stop, to hit him instead, but it was drowned out and barely came out as a hoarse whisper. Greyback laughed, and held him back tighter, pushing the Diagon Alley door open, pulling Harry outside as he screamed and kicked for him to let him go.

Screams filled the sunny streets as the Dark Mark hung low in the sky, and Greyback walked outside, holding Harry captive. People ran as far as they could, or disapparated out of Diagon Alley. Only one remained on the street, defiant and unmoving, but Harry couldn't see them because he was pressed against Greyback, facing the other way.

"Harry Potter?" A small voice asked.

Greyback threw the killing curse. They apparently dodged it, because the voice continued on.

"Dobby has been looking for Harry Potter, indeed."

Before Harry could reply in relief, Greyback tried throwing the killing curse at Dobby again. Dobby disapparated, and appeared next to Harry. He wore mismatched socks, as always, and had a determined look in his eyes. He snapped his fingers, and they were suddenly on the roof, far out of sight from Greyback.

"Dobby!" Harry cried in relief as he sat down on the rooftop in exhaustion, and Dobby smiled.

"It is good to see Harry Potter once again," He fidgeted with his hands. "Professor Dumbledore sent Dobby to Diagon Alley to search for Mister Potter and Mister Malfoy,"

Harry nodded and then was filled with a sense of dread. "Draco and the others," He breathed, and Dobby nodded, understanding what he meant.

"Anything for Mister Potter," Dobby snapped his fingers once again. There was a loud crack, and he was back, with a very badly hurt Draco leaning on him. Dobby struggled to keep Draco standing, and Harry laid him down next to him. "The Death Eaters are gone. They will all be fine," Dobby said eagerly, and Harry profusely thanked him and Dobby lit up like Christmas lights at the praise.

"Harry?" Draco whispered, his voice barely audible.

"I'm here, Draco. We're okay." He smiled worriedly, and Draco closed his eyes and smiled. He looked peaceful, more peaceful than he has in the few months that they were gone. Even though his hair was matted with blood, his mouth was dripping blood, and his clothes were torn to shreds, a safe aura hung over him.

"Can you heal him, Dobby?" Harry asked, and Dobby pondered for a moment.

"Dobby can heal Mister Malfoy only a little," he worded carefully. "Then, Dobby can return Mister Potter and Mister Malfoy to Hogwarts, where Professor Dumbledore will be very pleased to hear that Dobby has found them."

"Great!" Harry exclaimed. "Get us out of here,"

Dobby muttered a healing charm on Draco, and then they disapparated with a loud crack, leaving the empty streets of Diagon Alley to ruin.

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