Chapter 1

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Earlier that day....

I felt like I was on cloud nine.

I'd finally just finished a solo assignment and was on my way home after three long days. Peanut wouldn't be there, Victor sent me a text that he took her out for another spa treatment. She needed it as she'd still been on edge from the what happened at the school. I planned on ordering us some take out, swimming in the pool, then holding and kissing her until she fell asleep in my arms. I also had bought the promise ring I told her I would get. It was simple, a silver band with hearts etched through it. I even had it engraved on the inside. I couldn't wait to give it to her.

She'd moved in two weeks ago and things were going great. All the drama had subsided. No word from Volto, Jade was gone, Rocky hadn't given us any problems, and no more incidents with JH14. We'd been at a standstill as far as discovering what Mr. Hendricks was up to, but we finally had some leads. One of which I just got done following up on. It looked promising.

There was still the issue of the other guys and Peanut. Specifically, Mr. B's plan. I hadn't talked to him about it yet, we were all so busy making sure she was okay after what Jade did and taking as many assignments as we could to knock off our debts and favors.

I still couldn't believe the three of them agreed to such a f***ed up idea. I thought I knew them better than that. We're a family, but not that kind of family. They'd eventually realize it wouldn't work. That's not the kind of life she wants. And while my feelings for her had become even stronger, I think that she was falling in love with me too. I was concerned about how North and Victor would take it though, I didn't want their feelings hurt.

I pulled into my driveway, surprised to see Mr. B's BMW and North's motorcycle. What were they doing here? I checked my phone. No new messages from them. Was it about the assignment?

I got out of the car and stretched my arms then grabbed my bag. Hopefully they wouldn't stay too long; I was looking forward to some alone time with Peanut when she got back.

When I got in the house, I found them sitting in the living room. Waiting. If that wasn't odd enough, the expressions on their faces concerned me. Mr. B was always stoic, but there was an unhappy glint in his eyes. And North, he looked ready for a fight.

What the hell?

My first concern was that Peanut wasn't okay.

I tossed my bag on the floor and walked closer, looking from one to the other, narrowing my eyes. "What's going on? Is Sang okay?"

Before Mr. B could answer my questions, North jumped up, clenching his fists. "No, jackass," he gritted. "She's not okay. And it's all your f***ing fault."

Ignoring North, I look at Mr. B. "What happened? What's wrong?"

He takes a deep breath then orders us both to sit. North does, glaring at me, looking like he wants to go a round. What the f*** is his problem? Dude better back off. Feeling on the defensive and concerned about Peanut, I sat in the leather chair, giving him my attention.

He cuts to the chase.

"Mr. Morgan told us about the conversation he had with you two weeks ago at Mrs. Lee's hospital."
S***. We were going to discuss that?

"Yeah," I said, shifting in my seat, "he told me about your... plan."

"You told him you were going to come to me about it." His voice was hard.

"I did," I confirm. "I just haven't had the time to yet. Is that why you're here?" Jesus, I didn't want to do this now.

"Yes, and also because of what happened after you left Victor and went home." His eyes bore into mine.

I held his stare, although difficult, since this has to do with Peanut. "You mean because I kissed her?"

He nodded, waiting. What for, I was unsure.

"Victor told me I would owe a favor if I kissed her. I have some to spare."

"We decide what to do with favors as a team, a family. Especially when we have so few," he said.

"This was personal," I replied. I was getting pissed. "Did Sean run it by you first?"

"Sean immediately came to me and accepted the consequences." I could tell he was getting pissed too.

"As do I."

"That's good," North bit out. "Because what you did caused a big clusterf***."

I was sick of guessing around. "Why don't you just tell me what's going on."

"Miss Sorenson had an emotional breakdown while you were gone."

S***. She seemed to be better.

He continues, "A breakdown brought on by your proclamation of love for her and desire to take her away."

I blanched. She had a breakdown over that? She never said anything to me about it. "What do you mean?"

"What he means is she doesn't want you take her away but is too f***ing nice to tell you." North's standing again.

"She loves me," I proclaimed, standing too.

"Mr. Griffin, she loves all of us."

I shook my head. "No. She cares for all of us, but not love. Not romantically. You're just trying to find some way to make your plan work. It won't."

"It will work and would be a lot easier if you hadn't opened your trap like a damn fool." North's eyes hardened.

I stared back at him. "I have every right to tell her how I feel."

"And to hell with the consequences?"

"She was fine!" I yelled. "She never indicated it bothered her, and I would know."

"Because you know her better than the rest of us?! That's what you told Victor, isn't it?!" He was furious.

My own temper was rising. "I do know her better."

"Right, because you read her private journal like some f***ing creep."

"Sit back down," Mr. B commands.

We both ignore him. I see North's fists clench again.

Try it.

"She gave it to me."

"You invaded her privacy." He took a step forward.

I laughed in his face. He's was about to take a swing any moment. He never could control his temper.
"You want to talk about invading privacy?" I glared back at him, fuming. "What's the first thing that shows up when you turn on your phone? It's Sang on camera feed. Isn't it? You're always watching her, invading her privacy. I've wondered if you watch her when she's in the shower too, or changing her clothes."

I was ready for it. And welcomed it. He swung, aiming for my face. I bent back, feeling the breeze as his fist rushed by, missing, then landed my own punch to his stomach.

All hell was let loose and not even Mr. B could stop it.

The Hardest Choice-Written by KatyDidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora