Chapter 2

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I've been in a lot of fights, both competitive and not.

But the fight with North was one for the record books.

After I punched him in the stomach, I heard Mr. B shout at us to stop, jumping up. It was too late though. Something had been simmering beneath the surface for a while between us and it was time to come to blows.

His next swing connected with my ribs.

Mine with his nose.

He socked me in the eye.

I stumbled back a half step and he launched himself at me sending us both through the coffee table. I managed to get on top of him and started pounding. He eventually flipped me off him and took his turn.

We never spoke or yelled during the process of pummeling each other to oblivion. The only sounds were Mr. B yelling, (I think he even swore), our fists connecting, heavy breathing and grunting, and the occasional crashing of a lamp or splintering of wood.

We were both wearing out and both refused to let up. It was an equal match. Where I had technique, he had brute force.

Suddenly there was a bunch of yelling and I was yanked from my position of advantage on top of North.

North jumped up to come after me and Silas and Luke yanked him back.

What were they doing here?

I realized my captors were Kota and Mr. B.

Sean stood between us, in the middle of debris that was once the coffee table, holding out his arms. "Okay. What the hell is going on!?" he roared.

I've never seen Sean this angry before. I don't think I've ever heard him yell either. I briefly noticed he was only wearing a pair of purple swim shorts and flip flops. It wasn't enough to take my focus off North though. We continued to glare at one another. One of my eyes was already swelling shut and he had blood all over his face.

Hell, we were both bloody, having just beaten the s*** out of each other.

"Sweet Jesus," Gabe said, standing next to Sean, looking from me to North and around the living room. "What the f***?"

"Are you fools able to control yourselves?" Mr. B growled.

North and I nodded our heads slightly, never taking our eyes off each other.

"Would someone like to tell us what happened?" Sean stared at Mr. B. and lowered his arms.

"The timing was fortunate, but what are you doing here?" Mr. B asked, releasing his hold on me, but watching.

Sean gestured to his swim shorts and I noted the others were wearing the same. "Didn't you read Sang's text inviting us all to go swimming?"

Mr. B sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, raising his glasses. "We were distracted."

She invited everyone over? I thought she might want to spend some time just with me. I hadn't seen her for three days.

"Looks like we need a family meeting right now." Sean glared at us. "But let me look over the two idiots first."

"Just make it quick Dr. Green. I don't care if they suffer through it." He adjusts his shirt and walks to the kitchen.

Sean huffs and the others watch. "I'm sure everything hurts, but do either of you think you broke anything? Besides the house?"

"I'm fine." North grunted.

"Me too." I said.

"Yeah, we'll see if you say that tomorrow." Sean rolled his eyes. "Go wash up, separately, and meet us in the dining room."

I headed to my room and North to the other bathroom.

I couldn't believe the mess I saw in my bathroom mirror. S***. Sang would see it. I splashed water on my f***ed up and swollen face. Then I washed my hands, my scraped knuckles stinging from the soap. I changed my bloody shirt and walked to the dining room, North arrived at the same time, looking equally awful.

That made me feel a little better.

We both sat down, in the two remaining seats on opposite ends of the table. Mr. B looked directly at me. "I'm going to tell you what I was about to earlier. You keep your mouth shut." He looked at North, "That goes for you as well." He glances around the table, "For everyone until I'm finished."

His hard eyes hold mine. "Everyone knows about the plan as of last night and has agreed to it Mr. Griffin. Everyone but you."

What. The. Hell.

The Hardest Choice-Written by KatyDidWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt