Chapter 9

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I hold her for a while until her tears subside.

She sits up and wipes her cheeks, giving me a shy smile. "I'm sorry I cried all over you."

I smile back. "Any time."

The commotion of cars pulling in the drive draws our attention. "Looks like everyone's come for a visit," I say.

I just hope for her sake they control themselves.

We get up, and I hold her hand as we walk back.

Mr. B meets us first. "Mr. Griffin."

"Mr. Blackbourne."

"May I have a word with you?"


Sang looks at me with worry so I give her another wink. Luke, North and Silas are fuming in the background. The others look curious as to what happened.

Victor puts an arm around Sang, asking if she's okay.

Like I'd hurt her...

He leads her into the house, the others following, except Mr. B.

We walk to the end of the drive.

"I told you not to contact her. You made your choice when you didn't return my message or come back last night." His voice is firm.

I shake my head and bite my bottom lip, looking off in the distance. Tears sting my eyes. I look back and him and see his face soften at my expression.

"You can change your mind," he says.

"I know."

"But you won't."

I shake my head.

He sighs. "Are you sure about this?"

I bark out a laugh. "I'm not sure about anything anymore."

He opens his mouth to speak, and I hold up my hand, stopping him while I regain my composure.

"She loves you," I tell him. "She loves all of you, and me... the same."

He nods his head. He already knew.

"Looks like your s***ty plan could work."

"If brought about the right way," he confirms.

I swallow back the tears. "I can't..."

"I understand."

"It doesn't mean I don't love her."

"I know."

"I love her and only her, but I want the same in return."

"I know."

I wipe at my nose and tap my foot. "You think that makes me a selfish b******."

"I think it makes you human."

I furrow my brows. "She'll have a hard time with me leaving."

"We'll take care of her."

I nod my head and sniff. "I know."

"Who will take care of you?"

I give him a wry smile. "Time I grew up and did that myself."

"If you ever need anything..."

"I know."

"We love you too, Nathan."

I'm too overcome to respond with words. He reaches out his hand, and I shake it, then turn and walk down the road to my car.

I'm pretty sure this will go down as the s***iest day of my life.

The Hardest Choice-Written by KatyDidWhere stories live. Discover now