Chapter 5

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I did try to reach Sang on her phone.

I got nothing. Not even voice mail. I'm sure Victor was told to take care of that.

What is she thinking? What did they tell her? Obviously not what's really going on. Has she seen North's face? She invited all of them over.

Was she afraid to be alone with me? Mr. B said I caused her breakdown. I never thought telling a girl I loved her would do that. I told her I would wait, I didn't expect her to return it now. She seemed happy. She's kissed me since, several times. Why do that if you don't feel something?

Could she really feel that way about all of us?...Them.

I stare at where my phone went under the water. There isn't an "us" anymore.

They made their choice and I made mine.

What a bunch of s***.

Share her or leave. What right does he have to give that ultimatum? He acts like he knows her the best when really he does the least.

I know her the best.

I've spent the most time with her.

I love her.

They claim they do to. Maybe they do, but she can't possibly feel that for everyone. How do you divide your heart like that?

I couldn't share her.

I can't.

My eyes burn again.

I have to know how she feels before it's too late.

If she wants, I will take her away.

What she wants will come first.

Now I just have to find a way to talk to her...

The Hardest Choice-Written by KatyDidWhere stories live. Discover now