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Ten years later...

So, yeah, that was the s***iest day of my life.

I've had bad ones since, but that took the cake.

Making the right choice for you, also being the hardest, is a good thing to do in the end. For all involved.

I took off after that. Went to South America, polished up on my Spanish and trekked around the continent for a while.

I'll call it a "finding myself" experience.

I left the Academy too. Got regular jobs here and there when I came back ten months later.

The Academy did provide me with school records and a bonus for my years of service. I went back to Ashley Waters the beginning of Junior year. Sang and the guys didn't.

Apparently the assignment I did before everything went down paid off and they were pulled out of the school a month later. Sang started her education at the Academy.

Ashley Waters got a major shakedown. Hendricks and several teachers were fired. A new principal and vice principal were brought in that meant business. I think the Academy had something to do with it although I can't be sure, no longer being in the loop.

I got the high school experience I secretly dreamed of. Hell, I was even crowned Prom King senior year.

Kota and I had a long meeting. Things definitely changed between us. He'd always be my boyhood best friend. I could never repay him for the friendship that got me through years of my father's abuse. But, we'd gone in separate directions, and we were both okay with that. In life you change and grow. You can either refuse to accept it or embrace it.

They were able to get Sang her own apartment in the complex Silas lived in. They also managed any problems they may have had with her father too.

I saw her a month after I got back. On accident. It was awkward and sad, but not regretful. She told me that although it was really hard for her, she was able to move on from my leaving and was happy. She understood. At that point she was in full fledged relationships with all of them. She did look happy. She made the right choice for her too. Her choice.

"What can I get you?"

I look at the teenager behind the counter of the ice cream stand. "Mint chocolate chip on a waffle cone."

He scoops the ice cream and tops the cone with it. I give him the cash. "Thanks."

Taking a lick, I turn and observe the festival around me. It's July fourth and families and friends are set up on the park lawn, claiming their spots to watch the fireworks. My eyes zero in on a group of people.

Green eyes meet mine and a very pregnant Sang smiles at me, waving for me to come over.

Things are good between us, but it still feels awkward. I smile and walk up to them. Sang stands with Silas' assistance. It's been a few years since I saw them last, in passing. We don't keep tabs on each other. We live separate lives.

She reaches to give me a hug and I wrap one arm around her, careful not to spill ice cream all over her. "You look good, Nathan."

"You're glowing." I grin.

She blushes prettily. "We decided to start expanding our family."


"How about you?" She raises a brow, looking around me for some mystery woman.

"I'm a bachelor, and happy to be one." I grin.

"Someday some girl will snag you."

I shrug and give her a wink.

The guys surround her and shake my hand, one by one. They look the same, but older versions. Manlier. They're probably thinking the same of me.

"Do you want to join us?" she asks.

I shake my head. "I'm here with Derrick and his wife. Thanks though."

It's funny how things work out. I ended up with a best friend again. Someone I knew my entire life. When I went back to Ashley Waters, Derrick and I were in some of the same classes. He started spending a lot of time at my house and soon we were roommates. He's a good guy and has had my back every day since. We even have a business together. It involves house construction and landscaping. We do it all from start to finish. We've been really successful too. I have my own home I built myself. Picket fence and all. Derrick and his wife are my neighbors too. She's always trying to set me up with her friends. I've had mini romances here and there, but nothing serious.

She nods her head. "Tell him 'Hi.'"

"Will do."

I give her one more hug and nod to the guys then take off.

This time it didn't hurt to see them at all. It has in the past. Just a little, becoming less each time, but no more. I take a deep breath and smile, then lick my melting ice cream.

Lost in my thoughts, I don't notice the brunette stop short in front of me and I slam into her back, my ice cream disconnecting from the cone and landing on her shoulder.

"Oh s***. I'm sorry," I say.

She turns in surprise, watching the minty goodness plop from her bare shoulder to the ground.

I use the tiny napkin I was given and wipe at her tan skin. She giggles, "It's okay, no harm done. I wasn't paying attention and almost ran into the person in front of me."

Her beautiful accent draws me in.

"Yo era un tonto por no verte," I grin.

"You don't look like a fool to me," she replies.

"What's your name?" I ask.


I hold out my hand. "I'm Nathan."

She gives mine a shake with her small one. "Nice to meet you."

"Are you here with someone?"

"No, I just moved here."

"Would you like to join my friends and I?"

She gives me a gorgeous smile and I feel my heart flip in a way it hasn't in ten years.


I lead her to where Derrick and Julie are waiting, my hand hovering behind her back.

Derrick raises a brow when he sees us, Julie blatantly watches with open and happy curiosity.

A big stupid grin spreads across my face.

Something tells me that ice cream was the best purchase I ever made.....

The End

The Hardest Choice-Written by KatyDidWhere stories live. Discover now