The Games We Play

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Author: Azumi(And Lao did, like, a little of the end)

     "Hey Yuu-chan!~" Mika burst into the classroom with his things and leaned over Yuu's desk fluttering his eyelashes. "Will you kiss me?" Yuu's eyes widened as Mika's words rung in his head. His heart pounding, Yuu blushed, looked away, and sternly answered, "No."

      "Oh come on Yuu-chan! You know you want to!" Mika turned away, pouting in disappointment. Yuu couldn't stand to see his darling disappointed in him. He clenched his fists, looked down and muttered, "Okay fine.." Yuu's face was bright red as he stared at Mika's butt. Damn, I never knew how nice Mika's ass was until now. Yuu took his hand and slapped the butt. Mika yelped in delight, flinching and looking down at Yuu. Yuu smirked back at him.

      "Come here sweet Mikaela," Yuu said gesturing Mika to come closer. Mika looked at Yuu shocked and crawled onto his desk leaning in for a kiss. Yuu grabbed Mika by the waist pulling him into his lap kissing him like never before. Mika kissed him back biting Yuu's lip from inside his mouth. Mika's fangs sent a little prick of pain through Yuu's mouth. He ignored it and continued to make out with his beloved boyfriend. Yoichi burst through the classroom doors only to see this. His eye twitched in mixed feelings. Mika opened his eyes to see another person had intruded on their kissing session. Mitsuba stood at the door as well staring at the entanglement, inside she was smiling like crazy while the outside she went nuts. "Keep doing the good work!" Mitsuba yelled as she closed the door.

     She closed the door alright, right behind her leaving her in the room with the boys still on each other.

These are like, really short. Oops. Oh well. Vote, comment, whatever you wanna do~

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