Kitten Love Ver. 2(Yuu-chan)

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     "Mika you made it!" Krul threw her arms around the blonde once he stepped inside. He rolled his eyes, looking down at the pink haired woman.

     "Yeah, yeah. Ferid wouldn't stop calling me. Something about if I didn't come he and Crowley were going to make out in my living room if I didn't get my blonde gay ass over here. His words, not mine." Mika placed a hand on his hip, turning his blue eyes to the two males. Ferid stared at him innocently, sitting on the taller male's lap.

     "Ferid Bathory! Could you be civil for one day? And on his birthday. The kind should be able to do whatever he wants today." The pinkette rolled her eyes, before snapping as she remembered something. "Stay right here. I got you something!" She rushed out of the room, leaving Mika with Ferid and Crowley.

     "Mika, you're still single, aren't you?" Ferid smirked and Mika flipped him off. The silver haired male snickered, wrapping his arms around Crowley. Mika scoffed before Krul cut him off, walking back inside the room. She held a black furred kitten in her hands, its eyes a bright forest green.

     "You got me a cat?" Mika asked in surprise. The pinkette rolled her eyes.

     "No, I got this poor helpless kitten just to show you before I throw it out into the streets." She replied sarcastically, handing him the kitten.

     "He's a tom. You can name him whatever you'd like. I have to take these idiots home since someone," she glared at Ferid, "wanted to crash their car." She walked over, yanking them up by their hair and dragging the two out of the house. Mika shook his head petting the cat's ears. The cat purred and Mika chuckled.

     "I think I like Yuichiro." He said, and the cat blinked before stretching and wriggling out of the blonde's grip. Mika yelped when he suddenly transformed into a raven haired boy with large green eyes.

     "Yuichiro sounds nice," he yawned, stretching his arms above his head. Black cat ears poked through his hair, and a thick furred tail laid out on the floor beside him.

     "Uh- what just happened?" Mika blinked. The boy rubbed his eyes, standing up. He was in a black shirt and black skinny jeans.

     "Uh, I changed into my human form?" The boy tilted his head. "Krul told you that I can do this, right?" Seeing Mika's shocked expression he giggled. "Yep, I can. And I'm your cat." He giggled. Damn it Krul. I wish you weren't so random and told me this. Mika looked around, wondering how long it would take her to get back.

     "Oi, what's your name? I mean, "master" doesn't seem fitting for a feline to call his owner that." Yuichiro blinked.

     "Er, Mika?"

     "Ok, Er, Mika. Can I kiss you? You're cute." The boy giggled again. Mika   widened his eyes, face bright.

     "Y-yeah- Er, wait why-" He squeaked as Yuichiro pressed his lips to his, before the ravenette stepped back and grinned widely. 

Literally no time to edit like-

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