~Arya Sangster wake up!~

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[Present Day]

"Wake up Arya! You will be late." I groan at my mother and roll over putting my face in my pillow. I roll off and I force myself to get out of bed. Damn! 8:01. Don't have enough time to have a shower. I put on my uniform and rush to the kitchen. I pour myself a bowl of cornflakes and scoff it down. 8:10.

"Do I really have to go today?" I ask mum.

"Just because it's the last day of school doesn't make it any different." She protest drinking a glass of orange juice.

"Said no one ever," I laugh.

I brush my teeth, put a little makeup on. grab my lunch and leave for school on my bike.

Thank god this is the last day of grade 11. I seriously can't wait for the last year so I can be out of this place! I chain my bike in the racks and walk to the hall. Practically I have to go to the other side of the school for the full school assembly so I pick up my pace so I wasn't late. I caught up with the crowd then I drop my bag near the gate and walk inside.

"Don't ever want to sit the through that again!" I say to my friend Shani.

"It is 32 degrees. Can I go home now?" We both laugh. Lunch definitely would be my favourite subject...If it was a subject.

"I'm having a birthday party this weekend, you should come. Rob's going to be there." Shani winks at me.

"I'll think about it," I say sarcastically. Rob was probably the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen! He has chocolate eyes that make your legs feel like jelly whenever he looks at you. He has dark hair that makes your heart melt when he flicks it around. He has the best tan and perfectly straight white teeth. Yep to be honest I could talk about him all d-

"You going to Shani's party?" Someone interrupts my thought. Speak of the devil, I turn around to face Rob.

"Umm, I don't know what about you?" I answer.

"You should. You know why? Because I'm going to be there." He replies smugly. "I gotta go I'll see you on the weekend." He waves goodbye and I wave back smiling.


I arrive home and walk to my bedroom and throw myself down on my bed. Finally school was over for the year! I put on my blue and white jump suit and reach under the mattress for my diary, yes I have a diary.


I look at the door and see my little brother.

"Oh. Toby what's up?" I say happily.

"Mama wants you to dress nicely for dinner tonight. We have guests." I slightly hear him sob at his own words. I slide off my bed towards him.

"Toby what's wrong?" He runs away quickly to his room and slams the door. I close my door and wonder curiously about what was going on tonight and who are the guests? I go over to my window and feel the cold breeze through my hair. I look up at the sunset, so beautiful with pink, orange and purple colours. I then hope that there is some place better than here...


I put on my sky blue silky dress- because it's the only nice dress that I have- then I skip down the stairs to the living room. A man in his 50s, probably my father's business partner, and a teenage boy wearing a cashmere sweater with brown curls are sitting at the dining table.

"Arya! Sweety come meet Aaron your father's business partner they co own together," my mother smiles. Ha I guessed right! As I shake his hand my mother points to the cashmere boy, " and this is Adam his son." I went to shake his hand but instead he gave it a kiss. Umm not weird at all. I give him a sarcastic smile and my mother escorts me to the chair in between Adam and Toby.

As we ate dinner silence surrounds the room. I have to break the tension it is so awkward!

"So if you don't mind me asking, what is the special occasion?"

Toby suddenly dropped his knife and fork and faces me, "They want you to marry that guy! They want you to marry Adam!" He stuck his finger at Adam and ran upstairs to his room.

"What is he talking about?! This can't be true! Mother?" I took a look at her face and I knew it was true.

"We can rule the business togeth-"

I cut Adam off before he could speak anymore.

"I don't want to rule the business! Not with you, not with anyone! I want to see the world!" I let out a cry of helplessness.

"ARYA! Don't be so rude!" my mother commands.

"I'm sorry... I don't want to marry you but thank you for the offer." I say sarcastically leaving the table.

"Arya! Come back here now!" my father shouts from the table but I didn't want to go back. I didn't want to be here anymore, and I didn't want to get married now! I have to get out of here. I shove anything that could be useful into a backpack. I went to my window and look back at my room. Goodbye! I'll go to Shani's house, she will let me stay. I say to myself. I climb out my second story window and look down. Heights always scare me. Instead I shuffle on the roof towards Toby's room. I'll say goodbye and tell him I'll be back in a few days, he always understands. I look inside his bedroom window it was dark but I could make out a black misty figure floating over his bed!

"TOBY!" I shout and he wakes suddenly.

"Arya. What are you doing?" He says so confused.

I jump in the window and hug Toby.

"Did you see it? Did you see it Toby?" I panic.

"You mean that," he points behind me. I turn around and a human-like figure with red glowing eyes stares into me. Within an instant The figure swoops around and takes Toby by the hand.

"Arya!" he yells out.

I grab his ankle and hold onto the bed post at the same time.

"No! Toby!" I shout, "Please don't take him!"

The figure lets go and Toby lands on the floor. Next thing I know I am being lift off the ground by a pair of hands.

"Arya!" Toby shouts. I look at the ceiling and see the bright red eyes staring at me. He was going to take me but where?!

The shadow swoops out of the window with me in it's hand.

"ARYA!" I can see Toby at his window in the distance but now he is just the size of an ant. Is this a dream? Maybe it all is and I don't know it. Arya wake up... just wake up!


Thank you to whoever read this chapter! Give me feedback is gladly appreciate it :D Hope you enjoyed it. (Yes her school life is that interesting ;))

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