~Peter...Peter Pan~

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Hey guys! Everybody here is a writer! Whether you use paper and pen, a painting, a computer or form pictures in your head to create a story... It could be something amazing :D


I walk swiftly through the exotic forest, step by step quickening my pace to try and lose the shadow. As it saws through the trees it still swoops around me like an eagle. It felt like I had been walking for hours and there was no point of running because the shadow could easily find me again. Maybe if I hide...

"Well what do we have here?" A boy smirks merging from a bush. He was tall with blonde hair and pale skin. It looked like he hasn't seen the sun for days. Maybe there was a small village somewhere but his clothes were rediculous, animal skin and some leaves like from trees...

"Are you homeless?" The thought slipped my mind and came from my lips. I put my hands up to my mouth an covered them with disgust. Oops.

"You could ... sort of say that," he laughs, "I'm Felix and welcome to Neverland." He steps forward closer.

"Neverland! Oh my gosh, who do you think you are, a lost boy? That's just a story!" I just want to laugh my ass off but it might be rude so I just smile with my lips closed shut.

"Yes I am and whatever you are talking about...is not true." He raises his arms and turns, "Neverland is most likely real." I just stare at him... he's serious oh gosh he is serious! I break out into a laugh and he says, "Come."


We walk together side by side probably for more than 30 minutes now.

"Sooo is there a village around or something?" I ask wondering.

"Camp changes often." He replies.

Oh wow Felix seems to be great at conversations.

"So this is Neverland?" I ask an he nods his head then I whisper, "then where's Peter Pan?" I can't help but smile because it's so stupid.

He stops and I turn and face him. "How do you know about Pan?"

"The stories silly! You are so delusional!"

I giggle and he just smiles.

"You're delusional with your stories." I think this is the most I have actually communicated with a guy since my last boyfriend, It's quite of a surprise. It feels like I am flirting is he flirting with me... oh gosh I need internet I'm going crazy!

We finally reach a camp and there was several boys there... aaaand no girls. Okay I'm feeling a bit creeped out. I turn to Felix and whisper, "there are no girls here?"

"Of course not. You're probably the first girl since Wendy."

"Wendy? As in Wendy Darling?" I question him. He nods and joins the boys dancing around the fire. A beautiful symphony escapes ... what is it? It sounds like a flute but not quite more of a natural sound. Like when you blow into a bottle but more fluent and soft. It reminds me of the ocean. Soothing. I smile at the boys echoing and cooing at the harmony. At least they had each other I never really had anyone...


I sit down next to a tree realising that no one is probably looking for me. All alone. On this island. With a bunch of boys tht I don't know. When I come to think about it I could imagine my parents in shock if they knew. That thought makes me smile.

"Come." I look up to see Felix. Gosh does he want me to follow him around like a puppy? I walk over to the camp fire where the boys are whispering to each other Staring me down. It makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Let me introduce you to the boys. That's Jarrod," he points to a young boy maybe around twelve definitely the youngest, "Heath and Jordan." Obviously they were twins they looked so alike. He then points to a darker boy, "this is Milique, last but not least Alistair."

"Hi." I wave awkwardly.

"Felix!" an angelic voice comes from behind, "how did you forget to introduce me?" He smirks. As he comes out from the shadows I see a tall guy with sandy blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes that nearly seems like they glow in the dark. He smils a beautiful smile which suddenly have me tingles and I widen my smile. He is probably the most beautiful person i have ever seen. Definitely more beautiful than Rob...He walks up to me slowly and leans up to my ear and whispers, "I'm Peter... Peter Pan...."



Pan just had to whisper in her ear... it's makes him seem more sexier ;)

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