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Hey thanks for all the people who have read now my story has over 100 reads :D Oh and Robbie favourited my tweet on twitter OMG! yeah :)

"lost girl." Felix stand up and walk away grinning as the music still plays. What is he talking about? Just because I'm hear now doesn't mean I'm 'lost' like them. I get up and run after Felix. As I turn around the corner I see something worse than I expected...


What is this? Where is Felix? I move closer admiring the structure. I'm pretty sure it was made out if bamboo. Something moves.
"Oh god!" I panic hysterically. Is that what I think it is? A hand grabs my mouth and holds me from behind. I try to scream but only the sound of mumbles can be heard. My feet are being dragged away behind a big oak tree and I struggle to gain my balance. I know it's gross but I had to try and get that hand away from my mouth and call for help. I cringe while I lick the palm of the persons hand and the hand slips and I bite it. The person I turn, "Felix! What are you doing?!" I hiss.
"Oh you bit me!" He hisses back. I glare at him. The stare that people give when they want an explanation. He sighs and grabs my shoulder with his right hand.
"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone else you found out!" He whispers.
"How do I know that I can trust you? You just tried to smuggle me with your hands!"
"Just try to look at it like a friendly hug but more rough?" I laugh and he does with me.
"Okay...as long as you explain later."
He smiles, "I promise..." Our eyes met for a moment then he breaks the connection and we walk back to camp.
"Where have you two love birds been?" Peter says curiously.
"We aren't love birds," I mimic back to Pan, "I just went for a walk and bumped into Felix on the way back." Luckily he seems to believe that.


The rest of the night goes quickly and when all the boys were sleeping, I got up. I notice that it is twilight but Pan is nowhere to be seen. I follow the same path and direction I did last time to find the bamboo structure again. Yes! It's still here! I go closer and closer and look inside. Oh Gosh! Suddenly a hand grips mine and I can't shake it off.
"Help me please!" A girl with knotty, dirty blonde hair and turquoise eyes glares at me.
"Who are you?!" I ask impatiently.
"I'm Wendy. You can't trust Pan. You shouldn't even be here!"
"Wendy! As in Wendy Darling?!" I practically shout which is a bad idea.
"Shh!," she hisses, "they will hear you! How did you know anyway?"
"It's a long story!" I say. Behind me a twig snaps and I turn instantly.
"Someone's coming! You must go!" Wendy cries out.
"I promise I'll come back for you!" I run into the nearest bush and look back at Wendy. Two boys come into view. It was Pan and Felix.
"Wendy, are you ready for a new change of scenery?" Pan smirks. I step back quietly and then another step then-
Shit! Pan and Felix turn into my direction.
"Felix check it out." Felix comes forward towards me. Oh no. He sees me and glares at me as if to ask what am I doing.
"There's nothing here, probably just bird or rabbit." He walks back to Pan but keeping an I on me. I quickly run away back to the camp.


Someone taps me on the shoulder, "we need to talk," it was Felix. I get up and he practically drags me away from camp.
"Why so rough?" I say. He looks at me embarrassed and annoyed at the same time.
"You don't understand-" I cut in on him.
"Then help me understand Felix!" I command. He sighs heavily and looks at his feet.
"It's just Pan is the only thing I have got, I can't lose his trust."
"I know how you feel Felix but you are going to tell the truth sooner or late or I'll just have to ask Wendy myself." I guess I am puting pressure on him. "Felix I am stuck on this stupid island and now I find out that Pan like to keep girls in cages. Yeah I am sort of freaking out!" He cups my face with his hands and surprisingly gave me comfort.
"I promise," he looks into my eyes as if he was looking straight through my soul, "I won't let Pan do anything to you." Suddenly I felt this feeling, a feeling of tiny ants crawling over my skin. The feeling was going throughout me but I had to it felt right. I leans closer to my face and he touches my bottom lip with his thumb. I grab the back of his neck and kiss him strongly and passionately with every single ounce of power I had! Our lips intertwine and it feels like I have never kissed anyone before. I couldn't see it before but I see it now. I trust him in my head and with my heart. Our lips part and we gaze into each others eyes. It wasnt awkward like after me and Calum kissed when I was 14. It was a new feeling that rushes over me. Oh how I could call my friends and tell them about this moment. Why am I acting like such a girl? Gosh this is so silly of me but I can't help myself.
"What was that?" I panic. I see a flash of something then it was gone.
"Come on lets get back to camp." He smiles at me then he holds my hand as we run back to camp.


Oh how I adore Felix XD Thanks for reading! Who's excited for #AskRobbie ;)

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