~Pixie Dust~

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OMG almost 250 reads :O thanks guys! I know last one it was more about Felix and Arya but I just had to DTR (define the relationship) :P Oh and Happy late birthday to Parker Croft who plays Felix :D


I can't believe this is happening. Oh gosh this is amazing! The view from up here is breath taking really I am seriously holding my breath and I know that is bad!

"Are you sure this is safe?" I ask Pan.

"Of course...unless you don't believe," he reassures me and saws through the sky down into the forest practically showing off. I notice he didn't come back up.

"Pan?" I yell his name, "PETER!" I slowly drop and rise like there is a glitch in the magic of the pixie dust. Then I start falling instantly. I scream at the top of my lungs then a pair of arms break my fall.

"I am so sorry Arya. But magic is slowly slipping away." Pan looks at me with distress.

"What do you mean?" I say as he puts me on my feet.

"All magic comes with a price."

"Pan?" I don't know why but I have to ask.

"Yes Arya?" He answers adjusting his shirt leafy thing or whatever it is.

"I think I saw a girl yesterday...on the island." There yeah I just had to blurt that out. He looks at me confusingly and replies, "There are no other girls on the island apart from you. You must have seen something else." He grabs my wrist and pulls me along with him and it hurts a little. "Lets go back to camp."


"I'm pretty sure this isn't the way to camp." I say looking at the unfimiliar surroundings. Pan turns to me with a frustrated look as if I am a baby that won't stop crying.

"I have lived on this island for many years. Who are you to tell me where I go and where MY camp is?" He points his finger at my chest and I feel a little frightened. Did he just threaten me? And why all of a sudden did he seem so moody? I seriously need to get out of this place. I just can't stand being lied to as well as being threatened. Maybe Felix would want to come with me? Surprisingly we made it back to camp.

"I swear we weren't on this part of the island before." I say confused trying to find the big oak tree that used to be near by.

"Just shut your mouth girl and be grateful you are alive!" Pan's innocent face has turned wild with rage. Is Pan showing his true colours? I walk over to Felix and the huge grin he usually wears has faded into a deep unpleasant but concerning face.

"Felix, what is going on wi-"

"Shutup, just stop talking!" He shouts and drags me away from the camp as I struggle to fight him.

"Let go of me!"

He lets go and he has an expression of hurt on his face, "you must go! You have to leave now!" He pushes me and I trip backwards and fall from a root in the ground.

"Felix!" I cry out hurt, "what is going on?"

"There is no time!" he hisses, "you must leave... NOW!" I get up and we stare at each other for a moment. He cups my face with his hands and kisses me. It made me felt like it is the day I am going to die by the way we kiss so passionately. "Go..." he whispers into my ear and I turn an run.


All these weeks that I have been here, all those days that I spent with Felix are all gone. This must be Pan's fault! It feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and all my anger has been built up and it's clawing at the inside of my stomach. I stop running and I clutch my chest, panting and gripping onto the tree on my right. I hit the tree with my fist and for some reason I kept on doing it even though it hurt. I did it again and again and again. I decide to kick it as well but instead it hurts and I fall onto the dirt while holding my foot. I look at my hands and my knuckles are oozing out with blood. I felt something sharp on the back of my neck.

"Who are you?" A girl with a young voice speaks with a bit of an accent of some kind.

"I said who are you?" She sticks the sharp object into my neck more but not enough to cut the skin.

"My name is Arya! Arya Sangster." I say tryin to not give away that I'm scared.

"What are you doing here?" Wow I might as well tell her my whole life story if she's that eager to know.

"I don't know! This stupid Shadow thing wanted to take my brother but instead I took his place and now I'm stuck on this stupid island and it's all Pan's fault!" I shout out loud enough that the birds in the tree near by fly away. She removes the knife from the back of my neck and I turn to see a blonde haired blue eyes girl all wearing rags of green.

"I guess we may have things in common. I'm Tinkerbell."


Thanks for reading hehe ^_^

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