~The Escape~

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~ Yes I am back... Yes it has been months! I have been so busy with school since it's my last year I haven't been able to update until now since it's the holidays! Hope you still enjoy the story. So sorry for the late late update! thank you all for still reading <3 ~


I miss my guitar. I miss my friends. I miss Toby... he is gone. But it still feels like a big ugly nightmare and there is no way I can wake up. I need to leave somehow! Maybe Wendy knows how.

"Wendy?" I look over and she is silently sleeping. Her head twitches back and forth like she is trapped inside her own mind. I lean back against my bamboo cage, "Oww!"

Something sharp sticks into my leg and that's when I realise... A pocket knife?! Holy crap how did that even get in here I know I wasn't carrying one. Seems like one of those tricks in the movie where the victim is so oblivious to what is going on and leads themselves into their own death. It's a trap... what game is Pan playing at this time?

"Wendy! Wake up!" I put my arm out to push her cage so it sways back and forth.

"What? What's going on!?" she says in a panic.

"A knife..."

"How did you get that Arya?!" she asks shocked.

"I don't know. I found it in my cage."

She looks around to see if anyone is below.

"It must be some sort of trick." she whispers.

"That's what I first thought." I smile knowing that we are one step ahead.

"Pan doesn't know that we know that it is a trick, therefore we are ahead of him. Understand?" I reassure Wendy and she nods her head.

"What is the plan then?"

I lean closer to her cage, "Oh Wendy you are going to love this!"


"Is he here?" I hiss at Felix demanding an answer.

"Apparently there have been sightings of the boy." Felix replies.

"About time." I storm away crushing the piece of paper in my hands. I knew he would come. Well even if he was forced to he is still here and thankfully this is all going according to plan.

My shadow swoops around and hovers beside me. "You know what to do." He glides away and I can't help but smile pleasingly at myself.

"Oh and Felix, check up of the girls." I grin strutting away happily.


I creep behind the bush crouching like a tiger ready to pounce on my prey. When Pan comes back he wouldn't know what he got himself into. He definitely messed with the wrong person. As Wendy still sits in her cage the bushes up ahead ruffle and that was my signal that Pan was coming back.

"She's gone! She's escaped!" Wendy shouts then freezes in realisation how our plan has been ruined. Instead of Pan, there stood under Wendy's cage was Felix. He walks closer to the cage where the whole trap is set. I have an unsettling feeling in my stomach that makes me stumble forward.


Felix turns around but it's too late, he triggered the trap. Wendy's cage falls from the tree and on top of Felix knocking him to the ground.

"Felix? Come on talk to me!" I tap his face repeatedly hoping for a sign. No, no, no.

"Please be okay please."

He moans and rocks his head side by side slowly awakening. I stand up with relief but I know I can't stay. Wendy slips out of the cage, grabs my hand and we run in the opposite direction.


As the sun draws down on the horizon shadows are cast throughout our surroundings making me cringe to think we aren't alone. Grinning with satisfaction we reach a cave that echoes full of dripping water. Inside the water sparkles clear as sun beams down from above. I put my head under the running water to was my face and have a drink. Yes! Fresh water. After Wendy and I freshen ourselves up we lay down side by side on the edge of the water. Her once white dressing gown is now soaked in dirty stains.

"You know I am afraid." She speaks softly, "Always afraid that I will never leave, never get off this island."

"I have been here for months trying to find why out too Wendy. I am scared too." Hate to say it but it was true. All I ever wanted was to be free of my family and now all I want to do is go back.

"I have been here for a long time Arya. Too long. I shouldn't have let him leave..." her voice softens as she sniffles.

"Who? Shouldn't have let who leave?"

"His name was Baelfire."


"And once again you let me down!" I say disgusted as Felix tries to create excuses. "You let them go!"

"No that's not what it was like!"

"You let those two girls trample over you like you were nothing! You let them leave!" Furious I step towards Felix and push my hand in his chest to pull out his beating heart. He collapses to the ground clutching his chest. "She makes you weak and there is no room for weak people in Neverland...I want you to find that weakness and crush it!" I pick him up from the ground and push his heart back in his chest. "Find her now!"


Can't believe this. I can't believe that once again Felix has let me down. How many times can I let him go without being punished? We are brothers and I would just hate if I would have to ruin that relationship. But now I just don't know what to think about him anymore.

Familiar voices can be heard in the distance and I am pleased that everything is going to my plan. I peak through the thick bushes to see a few of my lost boys with those two twats who believe they are destroying magic. In fact they are doing the opposite. I open the crumbled paper of the young boy. I look up to see that boy standing finally in front of me.


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