Chapter 5 ♕ Aeron's Tale

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Kylon placed a tray on top of a circular table in front of him, causing a song of clinks to fill everyone's ears. A breakable tea set sat on top of the tray, along with a jar of sugar cubes—a usual scenario whenever the lord appeared. Seraphina had taken the liberty of moving the said table by the fire and two chairs for Kylon and her so that they were facing the Court Leader. Once everything was set, the two took their places and looked at Lord Aeron, willing for him to start his tale.

"I never thought I would live to see the day I tell this story." The man said, waiting eagerly for a cup to be handed to him as he watched the headmaster pour the kettle's contents out. As soon as Kylon dropped the saucer where the cup sat to his palm, he started sipping soundlessly.

"What exactly is this about?" Seraphina inquired. "I am curious to see how your tale is related to Valeriana's condition."

"Ssh." He shushed her. "Seal your lips and listen to me speak. I shall not ever repeat this again."

Seraphina obeyed and leaned back on her chair, shooting a glance at Kylon who mirrored her action with a shrug. He then handed her a tea, which she gently pushed away and refused. "Not for now, thank you." She told him, causing him take the cup and drink it for himself instead.

"I take it you know about the incident that has happened with Valemnia and the human world?" He asked them.

"Of course." They nodded.

"How many times had Valemnia tried to contact humans?" The Court Leader asked them, though they doubted if he didn't know the answer. He was obviously testing their knowledge.

"About three I suppose." Kylon said.

"It's four." Lord Aeron said in contrast to his statement.

"Pardon me for my forgetfulness then."

"Valemnians are now wary of humans because of our lack of communication with each other. Still, it cannot be denied that we did establish a connection with them numerous times long time ago. It all failed, however."

A pause filled the room as the lord took a few moments to drink his tea.

"The first time was way back, about two or three hundred years after the first kingdom was established. Back then, we were welcomed with open arms although a few mostly were doubtful of us." He paused to take a sip of his tea before continuing. "We continued to mingle with them, adapting their language and behavior along the way and they, in turn, learned ours as well. Up to this day, you'll notice the remnants of that connection we made and soon severed."

The two nodded understandingly at his explanation.

"We were hailed like deities far back." He chuckled. "And since the gate was open, some creatures such as dragons and other entities made their way down to their world. I don't know what happened to them now. But I'm guessing they continued to live among humans."

"It's such a shame." The lady knight whispered. "We could've had better relationship with them if it weren't for the interference of demons. It is because of those creatures that we were forced to cut our connection to the world, and the leaking of the power pressure to Valemnia proved to have almost been fatal humanity."

"That is true. Although, the second attempt wasn't as successful as the first." He said. "Everything ended the same. Even so, when we came back, they already made several stories about the existence of a variety of creatures that originally came from Valemnia. There was a notice in the progress of their religions and beliefs. The worshipping of several gods and goddesses was believed to have been the cause of our influence."

"I do wonder what they believe in now."

"It's ridiculous." Seraphina huffed. "When I came down to the human world myself, I'm in such disappointment that their stories had gotten much more absurd and nonsensical from the original tales. They've made up things like vampires and werewolves which doesn't at all make any sense."

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