Best part of me

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*Allissia pov*

I sat on the ground thinking."Please come with me princess" my father said. "There is nothing left for you here"

Was he right? Is there anything left for me here? I have No one now? No one who truly loves me at least? Sometimes I feel as if J only loves me because he's scared of me. With good reason I give him that but I don't want him to love me because he's terrified of me. I want him to truly love me. That's all I ever wanted. To be loved by a man. The first guy I dated knew this and used it. He used my love for him as a weapon against my father. Stupid Allissia why did you trust him.

Does J really love me? This question had been lingering in my mind for some time now. That's when I started to think and reflect on our relationship.
"Hey doll" J said to me one night. This night was the mark of three months of us. I waved dismissively at him from my spot on the couch. Noticing my mood he said "how about we go out tonight. Cheer you up some"

"I'm not in the mood go away" I said my voice cracking.

He walked in front of me and noticed I had been crying. He got on his knees in front of me taking both my hands from my face and holding them. "Why are you crying doll"

"I killed my father for that ass. My daddy. I was his little princess and I took his life all because I loved The wrong person" You see back in those days yes I was insane but the wounds were still fresh. I don't normally cry in front of people and yet there I was crying in total despair in front of someone I had just started a relationship. Come to think of it J is the only one who has ever seen me cry.

"You have me now alli. Tell you what how about you do something to mess with him huh. Think that will cheer you up"

I looked him in his beatiful pale blue eyes that always captivated me. My mood suddenly switched as I had a devilish grin plastered on my pale face. "Oh I would love to" I said laughing that maniacal laugh that scared even J.

That night ended up being the turning point in our relationship. I won't go into detail about what happened but just know it brought us closer together. After that night we were inseparable. He became the King and I well I had always been the one true Queen of Gotham.

J became my everything. My obsession. My possession and God help anyone who dared to touch what was mine.

We were in the club J was about to open. We were sitting in the VIP area having interviews. A young red head by the name of Scarlet was being interviewed by J as a dancer when she started to put his hands on his chest in a very sexual way. "Come on hire me and I promise it will be worth it." She said winking at him.

J didn't have to say anything because he knew how I was. I stood up and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to me and her eyes grew as big as the moon when she realized who i was. "That man your all over honey. That beautiful and sexy man. Yeah that is mine and I don't like it when sluts like yourself touch what's mine." I said pulling out a gun and shooting her in the head. I have impeccable aim. I was as good as dead shot.

I was brought out of my memories by my father. "Are you coming"

I looked at him realizing I may have made up my mind. I just needed to wait for something first.

 I just needed to wait for something first

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Bittersweet Sorrow*sequel to the one who didn't fear him*Where stories live. Discover now