into the darkness again.

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Allissia's heavy boots clicked down the hall. She wasn't happy. Especially after last night. "Allissia what are you doing here?" A nurse Julia asked.

"Its visitation day and I'm visiting someone" she replied.


"Him" she replied catching a quick glimpse of green hair as he was dragged into a private room. She requested ahead of time that she wanted privacy and no one to know that she was here. Especially a certain blond girl with pigtails. She walked into the room.

"Well hi doll. Been awhile. How are you" he said with a smile on his face.

"Jason Todd was my friend. My best friend to be exact" Allissia replied.

"And I killed him. Tell me doll how are you feeling"

"Don't call me doll. I'm not yours anymore"

"Oh yes you are. You belong to me. You have always belonged to me. Bruce Wayne is just borrowing you"

"I belong to no one"

"Allissia you and I both know you can't stay away from me. I'm your addiction"

Allissia became angry at those words. "You're damn lucky your locked up in here" she said with a hint of rage. Rage that was just boiling underneath the surface threatening to spill out.

"Why's that doll"


"Because you'd kill me. Be careful doll or you might break and go insane.'

"That's what you want isn't it. You want me to lose it in hopes I'd come back to you"

"You are smart after all"

"That's not going to happen. I'll never come back to you." She said getting up and heading for the door.

"We will see" he replied laughing as she walked out the door.

She walked into Wayne Manor an hour later slamming the door. "Miss are you ok" Alfred asked.

"I'm fine." She replied heading upstairs and into her and Bruce's room. She grabbed her grey plush robe off the bed and headed into the large master bathroom to take a relaxing bath in the large jacuzzi bath tube. The bathroom was modern. The floor and bathtub was made  of grey marble. The countertops and walk in shower were made of black marble. It was one of Allissia's favorite places in the entire house.

Allissia put some rose scented bath salt in the bath and once it desolved she got in. Inhaling the delicious scent she sighed in content. "Calm Allissia.  You need to calm down. Don't play into his mind games. You've changed. You found real love. You don't need him" she said giving herself some positive self talk. After a few minutes she heard a light knock on the door. "Yeah" she called.

Bruce walked in and said. "You ok. Alfred said you came home looking upset"

"I um went to see him today"

"You what! Why?"

"I'm not sure actually. Part of my old self came out. Bruce I'm scared he's pushing me over the edge again"

"I won't let you fall allissia. Not again."

She smiled at him and said "this is why I love you. You believe in me even when I don't believe in myself"

"And I always will"

That night Allissia was asleep in bed when she was woken up by movement from downstairs. She quietly got up and made her way down stairs. She continued to look around but found nobody. That's when she felt cold metal on the back of her head. "Got a message for ya" The man said.

"Let me guess from Joker" she replied.

"He said come back to him and no one else will get hurt. If you don't then the bat is next"

Hearing the threat made against Bruce Allissia grabbed his arm and twisting it. She took the gun out of his hand and shot him in the head.

Hearing the shot Bruce and Alfred came down stairs too see Allissia on the floor in front of the man. She was rocking back and forth crying. "What happened" Bruce asked getting on the floor in front of her.

"One of Jokers men. He made a threat to kill you and I I " she started crying uncontrollably.  "I lost it. It's happening again. I'm losing my mind"

"Listen to me. He came in this house and you did what you felt you had to to protect your home. I may not like killing but darling this was self defense. I'm sure Commissioner Gordon would say the same thing"

"You sure"

"Yes now come on back to bed. Alfred will deal with the police"

Allissia followed Bruce back to the room and he held her until she fell back to sleep.

Bittersweet Sorrow*sequel to the one who didn't fear him*Where stories live. Discover now