Revenge is best served with blood part two

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Allissia took out her cell and dialed a number. "Pick up please pick up" she said to herself.

"Hey it's Jason can't answer the phone right now. Leave a message" the voice mail answered.

"Damn" she called a few more times and still no answer. That's when she called Bruce.

"Hello" he answered. Allissia started speaking frantically and way too fast for Bruce to keep up. "Woah hold on Alli slow down. Say that again and slowly this time"

"Have you heard from Jason!" She yelled getting frustrated.

"No not since this morning why"

"Joker is targeting him"

"How do you know that"

"Listen to this" and she played the message back to him.

"I'll go look for him"

"I'll come with you"

"No. Allissia for all you know this could be a trap"

"I hate sitting around"

"I know but this time listen to me"

"Fine although I could handle him if he tries to hurt me"

"Him hurting you isn't what I'm worried about"

"Then what is"

"He'll drive you insane again"

"Bruce Wayne if you think I'd go back to being that way you're an idiot" and she hung up slamming her phone down on her desk.

The rest of the day went on agonizingly slow with no word from Jason or Bruce. She walked into Waybe Manor that night to only Alfred home. "Alfred have you heard from Bruce or Jason" she asked once she saw him in the hallway.

"No miss afraid not" he replied. Seeing the fear and worry etched all over her face he then said "how about the two of us go to the living room and watch a movie to take your mind off everything. I'm sure the two of them are alright. They always are after all"

"Yeah your right"

The two sat watchingsome stupid movie. Allissia's mind though kept wondering. "You truly love master Bruce don't you" Alfred asked out of nowhere.

"Of course I do. Alfred I knowit's hard to trust me but I promise I've changed" she replied.

"I know you have. I'm just worried how you would react if something happened to either of them"

"I'll burn the city to the ground to take that clown out" Alfred looked at her with concern all over his face. "I'm kidding Alfred but I'd do everything in my power to make sure that there was no chance for Joker to get out of Arkham."

"Well it sounds as if you really have changed"

"Before I fell off the roof I told Bruce he couldn't save everyone. Especially me and now look at me"

"Master Bruce has a way of proving people wrong. He saw a light in you no one else did"

"He wasn't the only one"

"Oh. Who else"

"My father. Salvatore Maroni."

"Your Maroni's child but your name"

"Is my mothers. My legal name is Allissia Maroni"

At that moment Bruce came inside from the Batcave. "Master Bruce" Alfred started to say nut seeing the grim look on his face he stoped.

"Bruce where's Jason" Allissia asked immediately concerned.

Bruce didn't say anything. He just shook his head no. It took her a second to realize what had happened. She dropped to her knees and cried. Jason Todd. Her closest friend, was dead. Killed by the joker all because she left him. "Its it's my fault" she said.

"Miss this isn't your fault" Alfred said rubbing her back.

"Where is he. Where's Joker"

"Back in Arkham"

"Good. I I I'm going to bed now" she said standing up and heading the the room she shared with her boyfriend. She couldn't sleep though. The pain in her heart was consuming her. Dragging her into the darkness once again. The fall of The clown Prince of crime was soon to come if she didn't get out of this darkness soon.

A/N hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I originally wasn't going to add Jason's death in this but in a way it fit so I did. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Things are just going to get crazier from here. Comment and rate so I know you guys are still with me.

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