Riddle me this

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Joker sat in Allissia's study. He was doing research on comas and being the chemist he was he was hoping there was something that could force her awake. After hours of extensive research he came up empty handed.

Screaming in anger he pushed everything off the desk. It was then that he saw a newspaper clipping amongst the mess. He picked it up.and began to read. It was about a doctor at Gotham General who believed that it was possible to wake up someone in a serious coma. "Jason!" He yelled.

Jason walked in and said "yes boss"

Joker held out the clipping and said "Bring me this doctor now"

"Yes sir" Jason said leaving.

*an hour later*

Dr.Marcus Johnson was tied to a chair in Allissia's meeting room. "Where the hell am I?" He yelled.

"Non of your concern unless you want to die" Joker said.

"Who are you" he asked.

Joker took the sack of his head and said "Hi" with a smile.

The doctor became shocked at who was standing in front of him."wh what does the joker want from me" he said in fear.

"Well you see I saw this article then I read the paper you wrote about extreme coma patients. " he held up both papers. "What I want to know is can you do it and what mix of chemicals will do it"

"Depends on how bad the patient is. Why so interested in it anyway"

"Jason untie him" Jason untied him. Joker grabbed the doctor not so gently by the face and said "run and I'll cut you. Now follow me" They began to walk up to Allissia room. Joker opened the door and said "help her"

The doctor looked over Allissia.  Then said "I can't. Her coma is so serious that if you try to force her awake she may die"

That being the answer Joker didn't want to hear took out his gun and shot him. "Clean this mess up" he said to Jason.

"Yes boss" Jason replied.

Joker went back to Allissia's study and sat. He had the maid clean the mess earlier. With a heavy sigh he put his head on the desk.  As he had his head down he saw Allissia's appointment book. He opened it and saw that she was supposed to meet Riddler tonight at 9. That's when he got to thinking. Riddler was smart maybe he had an idea how to wake her up.

*later that night*

"Your late Allissia" Nygma said as he sat on a bench in one of the darker parks in Gotham.

"Alli won't be able to make it" Joker replied walking up to him.

"Seeing as you are here instead of her means that the rumors are true"

"What rumors"

"That she's in a coma"

Joker sat down next to him and with a sigh said "Yeah she is"

"Explains  why she's been quite as of late."

"Look I know you and I don't exactly like each other but you and Alli have been friends before I was in the picture. Your a scientist and I need your help waking her up"

"The rich men want it, the wise men know it,the poor all need it, and the kind men show it. What am I?"

"This isn't time for riddles"

"Answer it"

" I don't know"

"Love. Love is the answer"

Joker glared at him. " What are you pulling her Nygma"

"Trying to make you realize the answer to waking her up."

"Then enough of the fucking riddles and tell me" he said getting angry now.

" the fact you are acting this way and going off the deep end worse than ever before proves my theory"

"I'm not a science project"

"Just shut up and pay attention this time."

Joker through his hands in the air in defeat."Fine what"

"What three words are said too much, yet not enough"

Joker said for a moment and then gave his answer with a confused look. "I love you"

"Exactly right. You are in love with her. It's why you are acting worse than you ever have. Your pissed that your Queen was taken from you. Maybe the answer to waking her up is to tell her exactly how you feel. Maybe that's what she's waiting on. She had her heart broken bad a long time ago"

"I know the story"

"Then you should know by now all she wants is something real. Now go tell her. She can hear you. People in comas are fully aware of their surroundings."

Joker stood up and said "thanks"

"Take care of her. Someone else loves her just as much as you." He stood as well and walked off.

Joker was left standing there confused. Who the hell else would be in love with his beloved Allissia and then it clicked. A smile spread across his face. "Oh things are about to get interesting" he said walking away and laughing his signature laugh.

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