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    "Nikki, I need a favour" Ian approaches breathlessly.

    "What?" I groan, scrunching up my face at him.

Ian has been my work colleague and good friend for over two years now so I know by now that any time he asks for a favour it's never something simple like giving him a ride somewhere or picking something up for him; No, it usually ends up with me doing something I hate or would never dream of doing in my life.

    "I need you to be my date to be my brother Ethan's wedding"

Ethan is one of Ian's three older brothers. I have never met any of them but I have heard plenty about them over the years, strange considering Ian doesn't even spend much time with any of them.

    "What happened to Marie going with you?" I respond immediately.

Marie is another friend and colleague of mine. She's a year younger than Ian and I, at twenty-two, not that it makes any difference but she seems to have her head screwed on a lot better than Ian and I do.

She is engaged to her boyfriend of three years Ken and they almost have a deposit saved up for a house, whereas, I rent an apartment with two roommates and have no social life because I try save every cent I possibly can.

    "She's got some family thing with Kenny, so she had to bail on me so I really need you to come" He pleads. "If you come, I'll buy you a dress" Ian smiles broadly at me, batting his eyelids at me.

    "Ugh fine" I sigh in defeat.

Ian pounces at me, wrapping his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

    "You're on lunch at one, right?" He says glancing at the clock above the till. I follow his gaze and nod. "Good. We'll look for a dress for you then. I know this gorgeous little boutique around the corner" He grins  giddily and spins on his heels, heading for the back door, no doubt to go for a smoke.


    "You know it's not too late to tell your parents you're gay and bring Daniel, right??" I hint at Ian as I emerge from the dressing room in what feels like the fiftieth dress I've tried on. Okay so maybe it's only like the seventh but still, that's six dresses too many.

The main reason Ian doesn't spend time with his family and why he declined being a part of the wedding party is of course because he has yet to tell his family that he's gay. He told me he has tried to tell them numerous times over the years but hasn't been able to get the words out or something would come up.

    "Oh god, take that off" He grimaces at the light pink dress he'd chosen and I happily return to the dressing room with one last dress to try on. "And if I tell them now that would just take the attention away from the wedding and I can't do that to my brother!" He says making a point but I think it's just another excuse.

   "That's such bullshit" I chuckle, emerging in a black knee length asymmetrical hem dress and admire my reflection in the full length mirror. "I think this is the one" I admit. It's a lot more flattering than it looks on the hanger. It hugs my figure perfectly but still leaves breathing room which doesn't restrict me from dancing; because honestly that's the main reason I'm going. I love a good wedding especially the dancing part.

And this dress will definitely go with my comfortable black platform high heel, giving my five foot four height a boost, especially if I have to be standing next to Ian, who's five foot eight.

    "Oh I love it" He chimes, giving me a thumbs up.

   "Are you even going to invite Daniel to the evening reception?" I inquire, spinning around to face him directly.

Obviously Daniel is Ian's boyfriend; they've only been dating about two months so everything is still questionable, especially with this being Ian's first serious relationship but I have a good feeling about them.

   "I don't know" Ian shrugs, "What would I tell my family?"

   "Eh how about, 'I'm gay and this is my boyfriend Daniel'?" I grin widely and Ian glowers at me. "You're going to have to tell them sooner or later" I remind him bluntly.

   "I know but if he comes, I don't want you to feel left out"

   "This is me we're talking about, the one who has to deal with the grumpiest customers because I'm the only one they like; And why? because I'm awesome and can get along with anyone" I stick my tongue out playfully. "I'll be fine. Just invite him please"

   "Okay I'll invite him. Now go get out of that dress and lets pay for it before we're late getting back to work" He instructs, "and maybe if we have some time later we could try some styles for your hair."

   "You can try on someone else, I know how my hair will be"

    "It better not be in a ponytail" He warns, knowing me too well.

For a hairdresser, I absolutely hate doing my own hair. Ninety percent of the time I end up tying my long balayaged hair up in a bobbin. I know you're probably wondering why it's balayaged if i just tie it up well simple, I work in a hairdressers where people love styling hair and often need models so why not test their techniques on me.

But don't worry, I plan on curling it for the wedding. I'm not that bad.

The Wedding GuestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang