Chapter 11

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Please note: I am updating this draft of The Prisoner of Arlunn. The most important change is that the main character's name has been changed from Philip to Rian.


The next day a young magic student of maybe 13 years of age, named Devonn, showed up at the tower in Arlunn. With him, he brought some children's books in the common tongue, which the Arlunni called Vassi.

Rian flipped through the books. Sadly, he was rusty on all the letters in the Vassi alphabet. It was the same language that his Dad had taught him when he was young. He struggled now to remember it.

"Where is Emmara?" Rian asked.

Devonn shrugged. "She said I could tutor you."

Great, his tutor was no older than Anya. But what could he do? He had to learn to read.

Rian become even more discouraged (and a little worried) when Kyran came over and they discovered he could read much better than Rian. Rian was sure this was more "leftover" knowledge from Molan and his memories.

At least Kyran seemed to enjoy reading the books Devonn had brought. It served as a distraction from the current situation.

Reading and writing. Devonn had brought along a kerress--a magic writing tablet, which worked kind of like a white board. You could write and then erase it. But he learned that a copy was sent to the school for the teachers to check. Also, it could display their version of worksheets, which Rian could write on. It reminded him of a computer tablet.

* * * * * *

That evening, after Devonn left, Emmara arrived with Ehina. "So, how is your reading coming?"

Rian shrugged. "Wretchedly, but it is coming back to me."

She nodded. "Genesse would like to see you."

He nodded. "Of course."

What now?

Emmara frowned. "You know that she is a very important person in our realm. She hasn't granted an audience to every prince of Cathal who has asked for it. She's taken a special interest in you."

"I didn't ask for an audience. You took my brother. I had no choice."

"Of course you did," said Emmara. "Come on, she's waiting for you."

He groaned slightly and stood up, glancing at Kyran.

"He can stay here," she prompted.

He didn't really feel comfortable with that, considering the last time he left Kyran there. "So you can drag him off to the dungeons again?"

"If we wanted to take him, we could easily do that," said Emmara. "Genesse gave you her word she wouldn't interfere with him."

For now ... were the words that she didn't say. Finally Rian nodded. "You promise to leave him alone?"

"Yes," she said.

He went with her back out to the castle. Kyran had always been a strange kid, but the last few days--since the attack by Molan and his death, the boy had been ... even stranger. Rian really needed help, but he didn't want to ask--especially not her. But at least he could hear what she had to say.

The Matrizar Genesse met him in one of the smaller, less formal rooms. She smiled at him when he came in the door. "Good evening," she said.

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