Chapter 13

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Please note: I am updating this draft of The Prisoner of Arlunn. The most important change is that the main character's name has been changed from Philip to Rian.


The evening after the test, Kyran felt great. Once again, he felt hopeful. He would go to school; the Arlunni would train him alongside Rian. And Kyran was good at learning. He felt he'd done very well on the test.

When Rian got back from his test, he said it hadn't gone terribly. It would take a lot of study. But, they had time--didn't they?

Almost--almost he forgot the dreams. Then it was time for sleep and he felt a panic begin inside him. He wanted to stay up, but Rian had insisted he sleep.

"Shall I call the healer to spell you to sleep?" He asked at last. That silenced Kyran and he went to bed. He lay there a long time without falling asleep but he could only hold it back so long.

Again Kyran dreamed of the cave, and the dark warriors and the fire-pits. But now something was wrong--his head throbbed in continual pain and he felt a hatred for everything. He needed blood for a powerful spell. From a cage, he selected a child not much older than 10 years old ... and somehow, he felt he knew this child. Without remorse, he helped kill him to take the blood—all of it. He was overwhelmed at the feeling of delight it gave him.

* * * * * *

In the morning, Kyran woke exhausted and disturbed. A lot of the dream was lost but he remembered some of it. He needed to find a way to end the nightmares. He steadied himself and went to join Rian for breakfast. Rian had already showered and dressed.

"I start my classes today," Rian said, sounding a little excited.

Kyran listened politely while Rian talked on and on about the school and how hard his studies would be. It was important to listen politely to conversations. And nod occasionally. He had learned this much on Earth.

Later, Emmara came with Ehina. A man came with her, another guard.

Ehina spoke to Kyran. "This is Lask, one of tower guards. He'll stay with you while Rian is at the college."

The short, dark-haired man said nothing, neither did Kyran. They only exchanged a glance. Kyran felt that the man was no more happy than he was with the situation.

"Will you be all right?" asked Rian.

Kyran nodded. "Yes," he said, but he wasn't sure.

But Rian was happy and went on his way.

The guard stood inside by the door, not looking very comfortable.

Kyran wondered when his teachers would arrive. An hour or two went by before the door opened. It was Genesse's sister, Ysla, and Jiss.

Kyran went over to greet them. "Are you going to be my teacher?" he asked Ysla.

"I'm afraid not," she said solemnly. Immediately, he knew there was some kind of trouble. "We need to take you to see Genesse."

He took a few steps back. "No, I don't have to go without Rian," he said, folding his arms stubbornly. He could feel their fear and anger in the air. What did they want?

"She only wants to ask you some questions."

Kyran shook his head. "Not without Rian."

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