Chapter 40

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Please note: I am updating this draft of The Prisoner of Arlunn. The most important change is that the main character's name has been changed from Philip to Rian.


Silently Kyran walked behind Ehina, flanked by her two sisters, up towards the castle. Barris and Arryk, followed them. Kyran knew that his brother, Rian, and prince Arryk were at odds.

Now that Rian had nominated Kyran as his second in the Challenge, Arryk had come to talk Kyran out of taking the Test, even though Kyran knew that secretly Arryk wanted him destroyed.

But the castle was still half a mile away and Kyran hadn't been outside for quite awhile. Now he realized how much he had missed it. Of course, he missed the fact that Rian visited him. That had been the highlight, but getting out on a walk was a treat for Kyran.

They sent Kyran tutors but he was never allowed to leave the Tower. It really was a prison for him—one that he and Rian both feared Kyran would spend the rest of his life in. The thought made him feel sad and lonely—even though emotions were rare for him. And recently, with Rian gone—Kyran felt it more and more often.

He also missed his mother, Lauretta. She had promised to come to Chuness, once she'd packed up some things in the house. It had been exactly 38 (Chuness) days since they'd arrived. This was close to two months in Earth time and still Laurette hadn't visited even once, nor sent word.

Deep down, Kyran had always known that his mother feared him. She had always loved Rian more. Once Kyran realized what he really was and how he'd been made, it made more sense.

He was a magic-spawn, a created being.

Still, he'd hoped that she felt some love for him. That she might miss him, one day. Or forgive him, for how he was born.

She was still his mother; she'd always been there for him, tucked him into bed. Put bandages on his cuts and scrapes, held him when he cried, comforted him when he had doubts.

But Earth was far away now. And whatever happened today, it was possible he would never see her again anyway. And that thought brought a rare tear to his eye.

The group processed into the castle. This time the Matrizar, Genesse, meet Kyran in her formal hall. No less than five of the High Mages were there, as well as her sisters Ysla and Sadine, as well as a few other miscellaneous onlookers.

There, in the center of the room, was a large pyramid shaped metal box. He remembered this from their arrival on Chuness. They had given Rian a similar test. Of course, he had passed it easily. His big brother did everything easily, and without a thought.

The truth was that Kyran did want to join the games. Being in the Challenge—that was the experience of a lifetime, a true accomplishment. It would decide the King of Cathal for the next Age. Few people had this chance. Not just that, but it meant something, unlike all the tutors they sent Kyran in order to placate Rian.

Living as a prisoner in the Tower meant that Kyran would never be allowed to excel at anything in his life—he wouldn't be allowed to be anything. This frightened people too much, knowing that Kyran was a magic-spawn, a created being—not fully human.

He stopped in front of Genesse, who sat on a chair on the dais.

"Kyran," she said. "You have been named as Rian's second in the Challenge. If you chose to accept this nomination, as is your right, you will be required to take the Test of the Ages. Do you understand the nature of this Test?"

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