Chapter 49

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Please note: I am updating this draft of The Prisoner of Arlunn. The most important change is that the main character's name has been changed from Philip to Rian.


Once both Arryk and Azure had swore an allegiance to Rian, to defer to him in the Challenge, they all ate and drank until late: Azure, Barris, Braejeunné, Arryk, Rhana, Quince and Rian.

When the celebration was over, Arryk and Braejeunné helped Rian and Quince finish fortifying the new sections of the fortress with protection spells. Barris left with Azure, promising to check in on Kyran.

They dispelled Rian's old cell and he was given a room of his own in the new tower. He went to bed early that night, tired from a long day.

* * * * * * * * *

It had to be the middle of the night when something woke him.

"Rian, get up!" Rian opened his eyes to see Arryk hovering over him. In a panic, he realized that he had forgot to set any armor or blade turn spells that night. He was defenseless. But as he woke more and got his eyes opened, he realized that Arryk wasn't attacking him. He sat up.

"It's Kyran," said Arryk. "We have to go now." The prince's voice was urgent.


Without argument, Rian grabbed his tunic and shoes and put them on. He rushed out after Arryk, who ran down the stairs and through the hall to the entry-point. "What is it?" asked Rian, on the way.

"I don't know," said Arryk. "But Barris's sending was very urgent."

Rian nodded. Arryk set the teleport spell and they materialized in the Arena. Rian would have run out but Arryk stopped him. He set another teleport spell, instantly, they were both teleported to the Sky Tower in Arlunn, where Rian's brother, Kyran, had been a prisoner since they'd both arrived what felt like months ago.

The guards made no effort to stop the two as they ran up the steps and into the tower. There, Rian saw a horrifying sight.

One of the guards, Lask, knelt on the floor, holding his head with an expression of pain stuck on his face--immobilized. This was the same guard who had earlier drawn his sword on Kyran and threatened him.

Kyran stood in the center of the room, his eyes glowing red. Green misty remnants of power swirled around him. In his hand, a bright green ball of energy resided. It shifted and changed color and shape, as if Kye were picking a spell and he hadn't settled on one.

Barris was already there, on the other side of the room. Arryk joined Barris, keeping well back from the magic-spawn.

Ehina stood on the side of the tower, with her sword drawn. She looked as though she might attack.

Rian stiffened. He saw how this encounter would go--terribly. Kyran had drawn out the life-force of the guard. He'd seen this before when Kyran was in Molan's power. Now Kyran could use that power to cast a powerful spell—and all the spells that Kyran may have learned from Molan were dangerous spells.

Rian took a few steps towards Kyran, wanting to gain control of the situation somehow. If Ehina attacked, it could be disastrous. "Kyran, what have you done?"

Kyran gave Rian a miserable look. He knew that he was in trouble. "They want to kill me! I've seen it in his mind! Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry," said Rian. "I never meant to leave you alone." It was Arryk's fault. Arryk had prevented him from returning—kept him in the Interstitium.

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