Chapter 29

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Please note: I am updating this draft of The Prisoner of Arlunn. The most important change is that the main character's name has been changed from Philip to Rian.


Rian woke several times on the bed near the fireplace, his new cell in Arryk's fortress. The wound that Arryk had given him still hurt. Gradually, he healed it enough that he got the pain down to a dull ache. He feared though what Arryk would do if his sister died. She'd been wounded while helping rescue Rian from some bug-creatures in the wilderness of the Interstitium void. Rian hadn't known how to heal her and somehow Rian's ignorance greatly angered Arryk.

Then for awhile, Rian slept really sounded. He awoke feeling refreshed, if a bit stiff. His wound was much better. A fire still burned in the fireplace, warming the room comfortably. Near it, on the table, was a pitcher of water, a glass and a plate of fruit and bread. The others must have come and gone already. Rian had no idea what time it was. But he ate the food eagerly. He also worked more on healing his wound. And he healed a few of his other wounds.

With nothing else to do, Rian fell asleep on the bed again.

A commotion in the entry-point woke him up. He heard voices. Arryk and the others were back.

The group gathered in front of his cell. Quince and Rhana were there, as were two new ones: Azure, the princess of Doona (if Rian remembered it right) and her second, Barris (who looked a few years younger than Rian). He'd heard that Barris was no relation to Azure's family, just very good at magic.

They all looked a bit ragged, as if they'd been in a battle with someone.

Arryk looked tired. Rian didn't see Braejeunné. He hoped she hadn't died—if she had, Rian was sure Arryk would kill him.

The group got unusually quiet when they saw Rian. Something was up. Rian stood up, hoping they didn't have some new torment for him.

All eyes were on Arryk as he dispelled the cell wall and approached Rian.

"What is it?" said Rian, when Arryk was slow to speak.

"Your cousin, Anya," Arryk said. "She's recovered. She woke up earlier today." Rian had lost track of time; he had no idea what time of day it was. But he felt relief.

"Thank you," he said.

"There's more. She's still pregnant and it's confirmed: the child belongs to Shaz. According to law, she's to go into Shaz's care and she's agreed. She's been brought here to Arlunn."

"What? she's here?"

"Not here, back at the college, in Shaz's dorm."

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"Let me go. I want to see her," said Rian.

"No," said Arryk. "I meant what I said. You'll stay here. You're too much of a target; too easily riled up by Shaz. I won't allow it."

"It's not up to you!" shouted Rian.

"Oh, yes it is," he said firmly. "Unless you want to withdraw. I'd be happy to take you back to Arlunn the moment you agree to leave the Challenge." He stared expectantly at Rian.

All eyes were on Rian. Leave? Now that Anya was here on Arlunn as well—and in Shaz's custody?

"No," said Rian stubbornly.

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