Chapter 30

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Please note: I am updating this draft of The Prisoner of Arlunn. The most important change is that the main character's name has been changed from Philip to Rian.


The next morning, Rian woke to a burning pain in his side. Jarred awake, he realized it was a knife buried close to his stomach. Arryk stood over him, holding the dagger. He pulled it out. Training had started early this morning.

Rian rolled out of bed, too sleepy to even remember the healing spell. "Wait!" he cried but Arryk didn't.

"I'm your enemy," said Arryk, attacking again. "I don't wait!" Rian had to shield several attacks and retreat before he could even do a partial healing on the wound to stop the bleeding. He had no time to heal it all the way. Several more wounds followed before Arryk stopped.

"You shouldn't sleep so soundly," said Arryk, leaving the cell, but he didn't lock it.

"Let me go back to Arlunn to see Kyran and Anya," said Rian, following Arryk out.

Arryk paused a moment. "No. Out of the question."

Grimly, Rian went about healing his other wounds.

Later that morning, Braejeunné showed up with Azure and Barris. She still looked a bit pale but she seemed all right.

"I'm sorry," Rian told her. "I should have been better at healing."

"Don't worry about it," she said.

"Thanks, for coming after me."

"You're welcome."

Barris stared stupidly at Rian. The boy was young, younger than Rian. He hadn't said a word the first day they'd met. "Hello, Barris," said Rian, not sure what to say to him.

"Hello," said Barris. But he didn't leave. He stood there as if he wanted to say something. Rian looked at him, not sure what he wanted.

Azure noticed and smiled. "He's in love with you."

"What?" said Barris, aghast. "No, I'm not. Don't say that."

At this, Azure laughed. "Okay, an admirer then."

"No, I'm just ... interested, is all. As a student," said Barris, embarrassed.

Rian still couldn't make sense out of what Barris wanted.

"It's just that ... you defeated Molan. That's legendary. And ... your magic-spawn. No one has ever captured a live one before. This is historic."

"I didn't capture him," said Rian darkly. "He's my brother."

"No, of course, I understand," said Barris, though Rian wasn't sure that he did. "Yes, he's your brother. But, nothing like this has ever happened before. This might be the only chance anyone ever has of learning more about this arcane art-form."

"He's not an arcane art-form," said Rian, hotly.

"I'm sorry," apologized Barris. "I'm not trying to annoy you. I just have a few ... questions."

Rian didn't feel very favorable to questions. So, he hesitated.

"Please," begged Barris. "I just want to understand. It's such an unusual phenomenon. I don't mean your brother any harm."

"He wants to meet the magic-spawn," teased Azure.

"Azure!" objected Barris. "Go away!" She smiled and left.

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