#twenty eight#

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I think this was my favourite part to write so far.

Ashley was frustrated.

In the past three hours she had shot down seventeen boys.

That's right, seventeen.

Like an expert, she manoeuvred herself away from another approaching boy, wishing they would all give up.

Well, perhaps not all.

There was only one boy she would even consider going to the dance with. Her sweet, innocent drama club president.

She had been looking for him but he was, as usual, no where to be found.

"Hey Ashley," Another hopeful called out from behind her, and she bit out a "Not now." Before she continued her search for the stupid boy she was in love with.

She let out a breath of relief when she saw him rummaging through his locker and she headlined towards him.

"Where were you?" She asked, "I've been looking for you for ages."

His face seemed to turn as red as a cherry, and his gorgeous hazel eyes were wide.

"You were?" He asked, a nervous tinge to his voice, "I was too."

Ashley smiled internally.

Please ask me to the dance.

"Why?" She asked him.

"Well actually I wanted to ask you something-"

She cursed the stupid ingrate that interrupted him.

"Yo Ashley," Brett Summers, captain of the football team approached and slung his arm around her.

She wanted to tear his filthy paw off and feed it to man-eating bacteria.

"We on for the dance right?" 

She wasn't even looking at him. She was looking at Marcus, so she saw his eyes crack with hurt.

No way she was letting this happen.

"No can do, I'm already going with someone." She said casually,

Both boys looked at her, surprised. 

She smiled and looped her hand around Marcus'.

Brett looked at her incredulously, "You're choosing the nerd over me?"

Obviously English was way beyond his comprehension.

"No Brett, I've already chosen him over you. And I'd do it a million times if you asked me to." She said, giving him a bright smile.

Brett shook his head, "You're making a mistake."

Ashley looked up into Marcus' eyes and couldn't miss the adoration that was shining through them.

Adoration that was meant for her.

She knew that if she looked for years and years she would still never find another Marcus.

"I don't think I am," She told the jock.

He shook his head, "Whatever." He grumbled and he left.

"Come with me." She whispered to Marcus, and wordlessly he followed her.

Into the janitor's closet.


Just kidding, but I'm super excited for the next chapter.

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