Chapter 1

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Enjoy this video of Harry Shum Jr. dancing. I love him a lot.

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It was 9 pm and the sun was just beginning to set. This is what Simon loved the most about early autumn days. The sun didn't set until later and the soft breeze blowing through the streets made everything more romantic. He tried not to get too upset about the fact he was walking alone yet again during a romantic setting. If you asked him a year ago what was making him so upset, he'd have told you it was because his best friend, Clary, still hadn't caught on to his feelings. However, recently she was beginning to push him way for some other guy. A McJagger wannabe if you asked Simon.

He didn't let it bother him anymore, though, he'd known eventually Clary wouldn't care as much about his feelings or the problems he was going through. Simon had to face the confusion of sexuality and gender identity alone. Every time he tried to call Clary and talk about it, she'd send him to voicemail and call back later with some stupid excuse about how she was insanely busy. As of recent epiphany, Simon had discovered that he was pansexual and fell into the male category of the gender spectrum.

He shook his head to rid himself of the deep thinking and he pushed open the door to the coffee shop. This place was no Starbucks, but the coffee was cheap and it provided the caffeine fix he so desperately needed if he was going to last yet another full night at the comic shop. "Hey, Izzy!" He called happily, stepping up to the counter and flashing the brunette his sheepish grin. "Large black coffee please." He suppressed a shudder and paid for the drink, dropping a generous tip into the jar that Izzy had out for herself.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Simon." She purred.

Simon smiled again and waved, holding his hand up as he exited the building again. He sighed as the warmth spread from the cup to his hands, successfully warming his chilly fingers. He took a deep breath and took a large gulp of the coffee, pressing his gag reflex down as he swallowed it. He absolutely hated black coffee, but if he drank anything else before work, he almost always fell asleep.

He opened the shop door, the bell jingling as he stepped into the shop. He waved to his coworker, Alec, stepping behind the counter and placing his name tag on his shirt. He clocked in under the register and smiled, turning to Alec again. "So, any plans with Magnus?" He said in a teasing tone, raising his eyebrows and pressing his shoulder into Alec's. He knew he was pushing his luck, Alec was easily annoyed by everyone. Especially if their name was Simon Lewis.

"Shut up, Si. I don't think so, I'm not feeling like myself today. I really just want to go home and lay down. Some customers came in earlier and hurled some insults; apparently, they'd seen Magnus and I after our date the other night." Alec sighed, wringing his hands together as he waited for his boyfriend of 2 years to pick him up like he did every other night.

"Oh, 'Lec. You know they're just close-minded kids. You're great, okay? We may not be friends, but you're still rad. And besides, you're not the only one here that is a part of the LGBT community, so they should have at least insulted me too! Let's be real, though, they clearly seem to have a problem with everyone in general-" Simon began to ramble, something he found himself doing often.

Alec sighed and patted Simon's hair. "Yeah, I know Simon. Thanks." He offered his half smile, which almost immediately raised to a full one when Magnus' car pulled up to the pavement. "See you tomorrow Simon!" Alec called as he hurried towards the exit. He waved at his colleague and left the building, the bell ringing to announce his departure.

"Feel better." Simon smiled, watching the couple share a quick kiss before Magnus began to drive again. He sighed and glanced around the store, the time now reaching 10:00. His shift had officially started and he was already bored out of his mind. He plopped himself into the high bar stool, propping his feet up on the crate below the desk. He pulled out a stack of comics he'd been reading to pass the time. He was just about to open the cover when the bell dinged.

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