Chapter 8

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I am so sorry, this is so short. It hasn't been a good week.



When the men arrived at Simon's apartment, it was pitch black outside. Simon had dark rings under his eyes and Raphael was yawning softly. His vision was teary as he did so, placing his large black dog on the chair in Simon's room. He took the younger boy's kitten and placed it next to the dog.

He stepped forward, stripping Simon of his jacket. "C'mon, baby," he cooed, holding the sleepy boy's weight against his chest. "Let's get you to bed." He helped Simon out of clothes, only glancing once, thank you very much. He gently laid the boy in his bed, tucking him into it. He took off Simon's glasses, placing them on the bedside table.

Simon let out a whine, blindly reaching out and grabbing at the air. "Rapha comin' to bed?"

Raphael tugged his own jacket and shirt off, slipping his shoes under the edge of the bed following his jeans. He crawled into the cool sheets, wrapping his arms around his boy. "I'm here cariño, sleep." he whispered, running his long fingers through Simon's soft hair.


When the Raphael woke up, Simon was gone. The sheets were still rumpled and warm, suggesting he hasn't been gone long. Simon's glasses were also gone. Raphael scrubbed his hand down his face, wiping the tiredness out of his eyes. He pulled the covers off him, wincing at the cold floor against his bare feet.

He grabbed the shirt off the floor, laughing once he realized it was Simon's from yesterday. That meant that Simon had his. He opened the bedroom door, walking to the kitchen. His heart melted at the sight of Simon standing with his back to him, wrestling with a coffee cup and the sugar. Raphael's shirt reached to his mid thighs, and his bare legs were paler than expected.

"You know, you're going to hurt yourself." Raphael spoke smoothly, wrapping his arms around the boy from behind.

Simon jumped about 2 feet in the air, his hands almost losing grip of the sugar. "Rapha! Don't do that to me!" He gasped, his hand resting on his chest as he tried to relax.

Raphael laughed, resting his forehead on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Sorry darling, what are you doing?"

"Trying to open the freaking sugar!" Simon growled, huffing and leaning back into the other's chest.

Raphael smiled, kissing the area under Simon's ear, taking the other's hands. He pulled on the top, opening the sugar for him. "There you go darlin'." He smiled, kissing his boyfriend's red cheek.

"Thanks babe." Simon smiled, making two cups of coffee before spinning in the other's arms so they were facing one another.

Raphael looked into Simon's eyes, taking a sip and humming at the delicious coffee. "Do you have to work tonight?" He asked, keeping close to the taller boy.

"Nope, the store is closed for renovation right now. My body is thanking me." Simon laughed, sipping his own coffee. "So, you should stay here and watch star wars with takeout with me." he grinned, lacing his fingers through Raphael's. "We can cuddle, too!" He said excitedly.

"Sure, cariño."

Simon grinned widely, nodding and just leaning against Raphael's chest. "After coffee, though. Coffee is the most important thing of the day."

"Yes." Raphael responded, setting his coffee down. He held the other boy closer, simply laying his cheek on the other's shoulder. His eyes fluttered closed, his long eyelashes brushing Simon's bare collarbone.

"Who knows, maybe we'll makeout."

"Tal vez, nena." 

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