Chapter 2

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"Right, so what exactly are you looking for?" Simon asked, trying his best not to sound too flustered towards the handsome man.

"Well, I think he said his boyfriend enjoyed a DC? a CD? I have absolutely no idea. I'm just getting them for my best friend's boyfriend." Raphael smiled at the man before it faded into his usual poker face.

Simon knew exactly what he meant and lead Raphael towards the DC section of the store. "Really? Why are you getting them then?"

"Magnus said his boyfriend is so upset he was too worried to leave," Raphael said, looking at the comics. None of the series meant anything significant to him whatsoever, but they did look cool.

"Magnus Bane?" Simon asked, his eyebrows raising. "Alec is my coworker. I noticed he wasn't the same earlier. Is he okay?" Simon asked worriedly, his eyes holding signs of fear. "Well duh, of course, he's not okay, if you're here doing this. Which is really great by the way, you seem like a good friend. I mean, not that I would know or anything, but clearly Magnus trusts you." Simon cut off his babbling with a blush. "Sorry.. but are there any you know for sure he likes?"

"Well.." Raphael looked amused from Simon's babbling. "No. Magnus just said surprise us."

"Hmm.. It is my expert opinion that I give you these." Simon picked up a stack of comics, handing them to Raphael. 

"What's so great about these ones in particular?" Raphael asked, his eyebrows raised in a comical expression. Somehow, the poker face never left his lips.

"Dude. Are you serious? No one can be that cute and not know what Young Animal is! Dude, it's only the greatest comic series of the year. The art is fantastic, and not to mention the dialogue is so well written! Everything about that series is to die for." Simon was so caught up in his rambling that he didn't even realize he'd called Raphael cute.

The elder of the two felt his heart race when he heard the first sentence. He was infatuated with the way Simon looked when he rambled. His pretty pink lips pursing and enunciating every word he spoke. The way his chocolate brown eyes lit up and his hands gestured wildly in front of him as he spoke. His smile seemed permanent as he spoke about the comics.

"Yeah? I'll get it then." Raphael was looking at Simon in a way that engaged couples looked at their partners when they were getting married. He was looking at Simon in a way that suggested adoration and life long feelings. 

Simon smiled again. "Great, just follow me then." He crossed his arms as he walked in front of Raphael. The latter of the two found himself staring at Simon's back as he walked. His arms had some muscle that was being shown towards Raphael as he walked. He placed the stack on the counter and looked at Simon again. 

"Oh, before I forget." Raphael took Simon's jacket off, instantly missing the warmth it provided. 

Simon held up a hand. "Please, wear it. You have to go all the way to Magnus'. Just have Alec bring it tomorrow." Simon smiled at him as he rang up the books, typing something into the computerized register.

Raphael saw the price significantly decrease after that. He raised his eyebrows, his hands pulling out money as it happened. 

"No one has to know," Simon winked, "I just gave you my employee discount." 

"You really didn't have to do that." Raphael lost the battle, a blush spreading across his cheeks as he handed the money to Simon and slid two 20 dollar bills into the tip jar when he turned to bag it. 

"I insist..?" Simon trailed off, wanting to know the other's name.

"Raphael, Raphael Santiago." He smiled as he slid his wallet into the jacket pocket.

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