Chapter 4

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Hey guys! So, imagine Simon and Raphael discussing this song with someone else, It's rather entertaining.

Feedback, please?



When Raphael's tears had finally quieted down to gentle sniffles and soft whimpers, his hands clenched against Simon's shirt slowly relaxed. His palms lay flat on the taller man's chest, his fingers absentmindedly tightening around the fabric of his shirt as if he was afraid he'd leave.

"Rapha, it's okay," Simon whispered, leaning his forehead down to rest against his. "I'll call my boss, we'll go home to my house. We can watch whatever you want, yeah?" He placed his fingers around the other's, his fingers curling softly around the other's as he cooed.

Raphael nodded, feeling slightly stupid for having an emotional break in front of his crush. His thoughts were silenced though, with a kiss pressed against his lips, dry from the tears on them. His cross hung limply on his chest, his eyes were a soft shade of red, the little veins running through them as he slowly relaxed. He wondered how Simon had the ability to do that. No one since his mother was able to calm him so quickly.

Simon got his phone out, his left hand never leaving its place of being cupped around the boy's hand. He called Meliorn, his boss, explaining he had to go home due to personal reasons. He hung up his phone, sliding it into his pocket. He dislodged Raph's hand from his shirt, instead intertwining it with his own. He shut the lights out and locked up behind them, making sure the metal gate was secure to protect the door.

He didn't say anything, simply wrapping an arm around Raphael and letting him lean against his chest, kissing his hair and smiling into the curls. He held him flush against his side, leading him down the streets in the icy October air. "Do you like to cuddle, Rapha?" He asked, unlocking the door to his apartment. It wasn't the largest thing in the world, but it was enough.

"I guess, I mean, I've never really.." he trailed off, his expression stony as he raised his head to look at Simon. He offered a smirk, the corners of his lips turning up in the most attractive of ways. His previous sadness had gone, his usual fuck all/ fuck me attitude returned.

Simon laughed, sitting on the counter and raising a finger, seductively wiggling it to bring Raphael closer. The shorter man obliged, standing between Simon's knees and placing his hands on his thighs. His thumbs stroked the fabric of his jeans, pressing lightly into the skin. The shorter of the two tilted his head up, his nose brushing Simon's. He felt feet lock behind his waist and pull him closer, their lips just centimeters away now.

"You know, if you wanted to make out you just had to say so." Raphael smirked. His eyes traced down to the taller man's lips, biting on his own as he stared.

"Great. I wanna make out." Simon declared, his hand cupping the back of his neck and all but crashing their lips together.

Raphael responded immediately, one of his arms winding around Simon to pull him closer. He pressed his lips against the other's rougher, his tongue slowly coming out and pressing at the seal of Simon's lips. He was granted access, their tongues sliding together as Simon scooted closer. Their fronts were pressed together, Simon practically trying to climb up the boy as they kissed with such velocity it would intimidate a hurricane.

Raphael's hand slid up Simon's thigh, his head tilting and pressing forward as they kissed. Suddenly, a phone rang and it caused Simon to jump. Raphael let out a mixture of a moan and a whimper as his lip was pierced by Simon's teeth. Beads of blood built up, lightly trailing down his lip. He took his phone and answered the call.

Suddenly, Simon's hands were cupping his cheeks, his pink tongue darting out to lap up the blood from Raphael's lip like an excited puppy. Raphael couldn't contain his moan, his face burning red as he realized the phone call had connected.

"Well, Raph. I at least expected you to be decent enough to not answer if your dick was in someone's mouth." The voice of his best friend rang out through the speaker.

"Magnus, it's not like that." He breathed, letting out a laugh as Simon finished lapping up the blood on his lip.

"Oh, Hi Magnus! Say hi to Alec for me!" Simon chirped up at the phone.

Magnus snorted, laughing through his breaths. "Hello, Samantha. Raphael, you didn't tell me you had your dick in Samson's mouth!"

"Magnus Bane, I hate you. You are the bane of my existence." Raphael mumbled.

Simon burst into giggles. "He's literally the Bane alive during your existence." He dropped his head into Raphael's neck, clutching onto his back as he giggled hysterically. His legs fell from the older's waist, his giggles increasing in volume.

Magnus barked a laugh through the phone. "I like you already, Stan." He grinned.

"Magnus, It's Simon." Raphael breathed, giving Simon his resting bitch face. His best friend and his boy crush friend thing teaming up against him was not good. Literally the epitome of volcanic explosions. "Well, if you don't mind. Simon and I have a date of movies! My choice!" Raphael said incredulously, suddenly remembering the boy's promise.

He hung up on Magnus, taking Simon's out stretched hand. "So, can we watch Pitch Perfect?"

Simon looked at the other, his eyebrows furrowed. "Do I even want to know?"

"What. Simon. It's a movie about a girl joining the acapella club and competing, using just. Her. mouth." Raphael said slowly, as if the idea was so incredibly appealing.

"God, you're so gay." Simon laughed, pulling on a pair of flannel pajamas. Raphael hadn't even noticed the boy strip. He was tossed a pair of soft sweatpants, and he quickly changed into them.

"Siiiii," Raphael whined, his 'I' being stretched out. "These are so long!" He exclaimed, the fabric going under his ankles and hanging a few inches in front of his feet.

"Not my fault you're vertically challenged shorty." Simon winked, wrapping an arm around the boy has he handed over the remote.

He could most definitely get used to this. 

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