Chapter 2

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The swords clashed bitterly. The ring of the bitting metal lingered in the air as the two kings stood in a draw. Each Narnian king, out of breath and drenched with sweat, held their sword in place as they awaited the next move.

Peter quickly dropped the stance, dashed to the right and catching Edmund of guard, held the tip of his sword at his brother's chin.

Edmund let his sword drop and held up his hands. Peter gave a tired grin.

'I should have seen that coming.' Edmund thought bitterly to himself. He knew he was preoccupied with the events of that morning, but a king of Narnia should keep a clear head in the hardest of times.

"A well played fight." Said Peter.

Edmund shook his head as he replied.

"Not quite. My mind was elsewhere."

"Ed, we've talked about this, you can't let your mind wander. If I was your enemy you would have been killed just now."

Edmund let out a breath and wiped a hand over his forehead. He never liked to be told what to do, especially by Peter. He already knew how badly he had done. Picking up his sword, he made his way to the wooden bench that lay against the wall of the small arena. Both his physical and mental strength was spent.

Peter took a seat beside him and said nothing.  Edmund decided this was the time to unburden his shoulders. As clearly as he could, he explained his conversation with the mysterious fauns. Edmund watched as Peter listened carefully.

"I believe we should do something about this." Edmund finished and awaited a reply.

Peter stood and looked at the young king. "I agree, we shall discuss this later with a council."

Edmund frowned and opened his mouth in shock.

"Later? This could be important, Peter. King Peter."

Edmund had no clue why he gave such a tone but it certainly got Peter's attention. If he was angered, Peter did not express it. He only gave a look that seems to state, 'You are too young to understand.'

"You are a king also Ed. Try to remember that." At that he turned and left the room.

Edmund was left alone in his anger.  He was doing his best to serve Narnia. Sword in hand, he walked over to one of the metal dummies used for sword practice. Taking his stance, he drew his sword.

He began to recall to memory the rules of Narnian sword fighting.

"Never fight out of anger or revenge. Always fight fair. Use mercy wisely."

Taking a deep breath, he began. Advancing, he imagened the dummy before him was a wicked enemy. His feet flew as he moved swiftly, both blocking and sending attacks. On it went until Edmund's enemy had been vanquished. How long he had been fighting, he had no idea.

"Peter's right. I am a king and as a king I will take matters into my own hands." The words came out breathlessly but strong.

Edmund put his sword away and left the arena; tired and famished, but determined.

I don't know why these sibling arguments keep showing up. I'm just writing where my fingers type. Looking forward to the rest if this story, it's going to be pretty good (at least I think so :) ) feel free to vote and comment

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