1: Balcony

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Chapter 1
I yawned rubbing the fog out of my eyes. I rolled over onto my stomach, the thick blankets entangling my body. I kicked and pulled at the covers until they unstuck themselves from my sweaty body. He bright light burned my eyes as they slowly adjusted to the sweet taste of Saturday morning sunrise. I shuffled around till I found my phone under my pillow. It was 8:30, earlier than I normally get up, but I didn't mind. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up slowly making my way to the plants that sat on top of my bookshelves. I watered each and every one with the perfect amount. Suddenly my dog Chica came running up licking my leg and jumping around.
"Hey there puppet" I chuckled crouching down and wrestling with her a little. She left me and bumped her way over to the glass door that went out to the balcony. I attempted to get her to leave my room but she refused and continued to sit by the door with the curtains still covering them.
"Ugh fine" I groaned shuffling over to pull the curtains out of the way and opening the door. Chica bolted out and bounded over to the right side of the balcony.
What I saw before me made my blood run cold. A small guy laid unconscious in a pile of dirt from a broken plant.
I starred unable to move. Chica ran over and started jumping around and licking the persons face.
"Chica no!" I whisper yelled attempting to get her to stop but it was too late. The boy moaned and rolled over so he was now on his back. I could only see part of his face, but his hair was green and his face was covered in dirt and...blood? The boy winced in pain trying to sit up, using his arms to prop himself up.
Chica ran back over to me and back over to the person. I snapped out of it suddenly seeing as the boy turned to see where the dog went. I only saw his face for a moment but suddenly I was running back inside with Chica right behind me. I slammed the door shut with a thud and locked it. I made sure the curtains were covering them before I looked for my phone. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, Chica was barking and running around my legs causing me to trip and scramble to get the dog on top of me to get off.
"Chica stop! Off!" I shouted and she shuffled away sadly.
I sat up hearing a knock at the balcony door. I jumped up and searched for my cell phone but I had no luck.
Another few knocks.
"Who are you! Why are you on my balcony! H-how did you get up here! I-it's the e-eighteenth floor for fucks sake!" My voice shook with every heavy breath.
Another knock.
"P-please can I come in. I-I don't mean harm. I jus wanna leave" the voice behind the door came out weak and broken and..Irish.
"W-who are you?" I asked my curiosity getting the best of me.
It went quiet for a moment. Then a a minute. Then another. I was holding my breath. I repeated the question but still no response.
I pulled the curtains away from the door to my surprise the small body was slumped down unconscious again. I opened the door slowly and noticed my phone over on the opposite side of the balcony. I ran over and quickly dialed 911.
I ran into my house again.
"Hello 911 what's your emergency?"
"H-hi there's a person in my house. H-he's unconscious"
I gave the lady my apartments address and it wasn't long before the police showed up. I sat on the curb with Chica next to me.
Eventually one of the police officers walked out of the building and shooed away the other who was questioning me.
"Well Mr. Fischbach, it seems whoever was in your apartment has left."
I nodded slowly, stroking Chica ahead and listening carefully. I couldn't quite comprehend everything. I had been asked a thousand questions. I answered all of them the best I could.
"About how tall?"
"5 foot 5 in?"
"Hair color"
"Dyed green"
"Skinny but fit" I answers all of it but still couldn't process everything. How could he have gotten up there? Did he climb? He couldn't have gone through my house..right. Why was he bleeding? How long has he been out there? He seemed really hurt. Badly injured, maybe he should have helped him.
I found myself drifting off becoming more concerned for the person rather than concerned for the fact someone broke in.
I hugged Chica, she couldn't be happier. She had a goofy little smile on as all the police officers and people walking down the street would pay her head. She was trained at helping people with stress, it was her job. We would take trips to the hospital and would visit patients to help them. It made me happy that I could help people. During the day I worked at an animal shelter then in the evenings I would go to the hospital to help patients. Chica has always loved attention. Truthfully I just wanted this day to end so I could go back to my job. I loved to work. I loved to help others.

I apologize for any typos or grammar mistakes, I didn't have time to check it.
I hope you enjoyed it :)

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