16: an end

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To those that enjoyed this story I get so happy to see the lovely comments! Unfortunately after this I will not be continuing the story, mostly because I lost interest and it's been 6+ months since I wrote the last chapter haha. I don't write for YouTube fan fiction anymore, simply because I moved on from that portion of my life. I hope to those that read this (and future readers) I can provide a little closure on the story.

After the explosion went off things were a mess. Not just getting out, but the weeks that followed. Getting out of the factory meant Jack and Mark practically dragging Felix and the others with them, still too worn out from the sedation. The weeks following left Mark and Jack working long and hard days with Felix's gang in an attempt to get things figured out.
The part that mark hated was he knew jack was still hiding something. The way he explained the events in the factory didn't seem to fully connect.
According to Jack the people that had caught them were from an older life of his. He used to work with many government officials, hacking and gaining information for black op organizations. The problem was he didn't have a particular side. Whoever paid the most, he would work for. He worked for Britain and the United States mostly, but along the way for involved in things even bigger than him. He was asked to gain information that no one person should have.
If jack had wanted to he could have easily destroyed the entire world by simply collapsing the economy or sending everyone into world war three. That's when Jack got involved with Felix for the first time.
He dropped off the governments grid. He became a ghost in an attempt to avoid what he knew would catch him. During his time with Felix, while fulfilling his needs, Jack worked on a way to dispose of this information. He couldn't have it sitting in one place. He couldn't just delete it because who knows if at that point the information hasn't already been spread, and one person shouldn't hold all the worlds secrets.
Jack had decided to put all the information in a series of flash drives, meaning that even if someone got the one, it wouldn't make sense without the other. He didn't leave any clues or any means of finding them.
The only possible way any one person could figure out anything is by tracking his flight records. But even with that, it would only narrow them to a series of large countries to search for a single flash drive. Even then he hide fake ones. To cover his tacks more he went to places he didn't even hide anything at. He zig zagged and cross crossed his way through countries. Talked to as many people as he could across a place he was bidding one because then it would be impossible to pinpoint where on the country they were hidden. Even after all of that most of them were simply put into a hole underneath an old lady's porch or something.
So shouldn't it be said and done. The information was lost. No one but jack could get to them, and even then, Jack claims he doesn't remember where any of them are.
So, that's where they sat. Months later having loved a simpler life. Doing small things for people across the globe. Taking down this gang or stopping that human trafficking company. None of them worked for a government or organization, but when they came back they all agreed they would only meddle in things that could benefit the world.
The one things that bugged Mark to this day was, why didn't he just destroy his computer.
Mark sits on the couch hugging a pillow with jacks legs slung over his. Mark is going to be honest when saying he isn't paying attention to the movie. To many things are running through his mind for him to focus on the movie. One being that a beautiful man was laying half on top of him, and two that that said man might be hiding more.
Mark stands up and the look Jack gives him is full of concern.
"I'll be back, I need to go-"
"For a drive," Jack says cutting Mark off. Mark always goes for a drive when he's in a rough mood, and Jack has definitely noticed his mood change lately. Most around him and that only makes Jack more concerned.
"Yeah," Mark says quietly, almost in a whisper. When Mark walks away he almost trips over his own feet twice and runs into the door dram on his way out.
"That's it," Jack confirms standing up and pausing the movie.
"You can hardly walk straight in not letting you drive."
"What no, I'm fine. I just need to clear my head," Mark says quickly.
"Either let me drive or don't drive at all. I know you are mad at me, but I would rather not find out that you got in a car accident tonight," Jack says with finalization.
"I'm not mad at you," Mark says wholly knowing that is a lie.
"Right," Jack says sarcastically grabbing Marks keys and opening the door. As they walk down the stairs of marks apartment, Mark tucks his hands in his pockets and keeps his eyes locked on his feet. He isn't sure why he is mad. He doesn't really have a justified reason to be, but he just is.
Jack grabs Mark's hand of of his pocket to take it in his own as he leads him down the street. They are about two blocks from the apartment before Mark even notices they aren't going to his car.
"Jack, where the fuck are you taking me," he grumbles, not really having the energy to fight.
"I'm hungry, and you haven't eaten at all today. So I am taking you to a half decent place to eat for once. Okay?"
Mark doesn't give a response, but he doesn't pull away either. They get a table quickly and the food was good despite Mark not realizing how hungry he was. They spent all of their ordering and waiting in silence and even once their food came they were both quiet.
"You gonna tell me why yer mad?" Jack prompts.
"I told you I'm not."
Jack just laughs, "Mark we have been friends for over a year now, I think I can tell when you are mad at me." There it is. That word again. Friends. Just friends. Maybe that's why Mark is mad. Friends. The though feels like acid in his brain when brought up.
Okay so maybe Mark has been mad at Jack for not showing interest. Again that doesn't justify why he is mad. Maybe he is just mad at himself, he can't even make a move on him.
Mark just looks up at Jack and his bright blue eyes are right on him like two spot lights. Mark looks back down at his empty plate regretting looking up because even the sight of him lately has been making Marks heart skip a beat.
Jack frowns and slumps back into his seat. He wants to talk more but his throat feels blocked and his lungs burn. His head feels like static and he can't help but think of all the things Mark could be mad about.
They fall back into their silence as they walk back. Jack only feels sicker and sicker with each step they take. Mark feels like his head is full of static and with each motion forward it feels like a gap is dividing the two.
As they enter the apartment Mark heads directly to bed leaving Jack sanding in the entrance. Jack doesn't think twice before quickly turning head on heals and making his way back out. Mark doesn't even notice Jack exiting the building until it's around three in the morning and he hasn't heard any noise come from the complex. Mark hadn't ever gone to bed, just opted for staring at his dark ceiling. He knows he would feel better after a couple hours of sleep, then maybe he would be ready to talk to jack, but he couldn't suppress his thoughts.
It was only when he got out of bed to get water did he notice Jack was nowhere to be found. It was almost three in the morning and he wasn't around. He wasn't in his room, on the couch or slumped over asleep on some random surface with his computer near by. It was unusual to find him asleep on the floor or the counter or even the kitchen table. He never knew when to quit and it often led to his falling asleep in strange places.
"Jack?" Mark called out called out wandering around his place, but Jack was nowhere to be found. No matter how mad Mark could ever be at Jack, having his disappear is not a thing he wants to happen. Not after multiple instances of having him kidnapped.
Mark pulled out his phone looking at the find my friends app. It showed Jack just a few blocks down the road at a bar mark never goes to.
Mark grabs his jacket and puts on his shoes. Part of Mark is upset that he has to go and get Jack, but the other part of him knows full well Jack is old enough to bring himself home and he doesn't have to do this. He just wants to know Jack is okay in reality. Mark closes the door with Chica whimpering on the other side in confusion.
He walk to the bar is only about fifteen minutes, but the walk feels like an eternity. Marks head is still full and heavy and each step he takes sends his stomach swirling with nausea. When Mark walks up to the bar the place is blasting music and drunk people are wandering out and getting taxis and ubers. After showing the bouncer his ID he wanders in in search of the green haired boy.
After ten minutes of wandering around the place Mark is sweaty and has already been hit on twice. Alcohol lingers in the air like it's oozing out of the walls around him. The flashing lights and loud music are boarder line sensory overload for Mark. Leave it to Jack to find the loudest, most obnoxious club in their apartments area.
Finally Mark sees jack sitting on a stool at the bar towards the back of the place. He's smiling and chatting with the bartender and it seems the people he is around can't help but listen in to his conversation. Everyone around him is leaning in slightly and even when they turn back to their own conversations their glances towards Jack show where their interests lay.
"Jack?" Mark asks coming up to his side.
"Mark! Buddy! Look, Angie get this man a drink for me! Thanks doll," Jack says with a smile. Before he can stop the bartender she is gone and getting him a drink he can't even have. The alcohol on Jacks breath is thick and heavy making Mark almost gag.
"Time to come home," Mark says as he pulls Jacks drink out of his reach.
"Oh common Mark, were havin fun!" Jack exclaims with a large smile that's crooked due to the alcohol in his veins.
"I know but you aren't in the right mind. Come on it's late," Mark says taking his hand and pulling him away. Jack doesn't argue as stumbles behind Mark. He bids farewell to the crowd he gathered who all happily say goodbye, missing their fun new friend and entertainment. The walk to the apartment is done in silence as mark attempts to find the words to say to Jack.
"You shouldn't have disappeared like that, you scared me you know that right," Mark says finally as they start to enter his apartment.
Jack just scoffs suddenly not seeming so intoxicated. Now mark is starting to second guess how drunk ,or even if drunk, Jack really is.
"What you think it's funny? You think it's funny to scare the living hell out of me. Someone could have taken you! It's not like it would be the first time! I could have found you dead in the kitchen with your throat slit. I could have never...I could have never seen you again," Mark says trailing off at the end. The thought of Jack just getting up and leaving scares him everyday. He has done it in the past so why couldn't he do it again.
"Well I simply decided to have some fun for once since you decided that I fucked up again somehow," Jack seethes through clenched teeth.
"You didn't do anything wrong," Mark retorts.
"Sure, and I'm not Irish. I know you're mad at me and you won't talk."
"I'm not mad!"
"Now your lying," Jack shoots back.
"Okay I was mad. I'm not now. Maybe I am, ugh! I don't know! Okay is that what you want to hear? I. Don't. Know. You keep so much to yourself I can't even figure out what to be mad about," Mark snaps.
"I'm sorry I keep fucking up okay mark. Look I want to tell you stuff, but I know you will hate me after it!"
"Is it my fault," Mark says finally after an uncomfortably long silence.
"Is it my fault that you go out drinking and unable to sleep," Mark asks in a way that makes him look small.
"What- no. I've just been stressed. I could say the same to you! You look like hell! You barley talk and you barley eat! What did I do!" Jack is yelling at this point. He doesn't seem angry though, his words come out more like a plea, or a beg. And attempt to get some communication flowing.
The silence is long and painful. Neither of them dare say anything. Marks head is full of static again and he doesn't have the energy to keep this up. He knows why he is mad. And it's not at Jack, not really. He might be the cause of his pain, but it's not like it is his fault.
Mark sat down on the couch and curled up. Jack followed suit, but he made no advances in the conversation. Mark finally took a deep breath. His stomach unable to hold it anymore. But as he says it, its quiet and broken.
"slowly you tore me apart, and I didn't do anything about it because I know you don't feel the same way."
Jack just looks at Mark, who is starring at his lap and tucks his legs up onto the couch.
"Mark..." Jack starts and leans towards Mark. "Mark look at me," he says more sternly. Mark takes a second before complying. He immodestly regrets it. Blue eyes shine back, bright and shining like stars in the sky. His expression is soft, and gentle. "Mark, what are you saying."
"I- you know what I'm saying. Please... don't make me say it," Mark says. Voice desperate and broken. How can he admit it when he knows he is facing rejection.
Slowly Jack reaches out a hand and cups Marks jawline forcing him to look at him again. Jack was suddenly closer than he was before. The warmth of his body almost suffocating Mark.
The kiss is soft and shorter than what either of them want. Jack pulls away slightly and rests his head on Marks.
"Say it," Jack prompts again.
"I love you"
That's all it took for Jack to lean in again. This time longer and warmer. The weight of the Irish boy on top of him, chest to chest makes marks head spin. Jacks hands softly holding the sides of his face and Marks hands on his hips.
The two of them wish they could stay like that forever but jack pulls away to look at Mark again.
"I wish you said that months ago," jack says quietly before resting his head on Jack.
The two of them fall asleep like that, content and finally happy.

I'm sorry it is short, but thank you for reading. I would have like to continue it but I hope this goes things up quickly at least a little.

Your support means a lot, like really! Lots of love and stay safe :)

Go find me on Tumblr and ao3 @sydtwig

I don't even wanna go back and re read this whole thing because the worrying is probably cringey, whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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