2: hospital

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Chapter 2:
I woke up Sunday morning to my alarm. I didn't sleep very well due to the events of Saturday. I stood up and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shit. I threw on a sweatshirt over as the brisk morning air nipped at me. I waddled over into the kitchen waking up Chica as she followed behind me intensely. I poured her food and gave her a pat on the head as I started to scramble some eggs.
I sat down at my table by myself and took a deep breath. It suddenly felt weird to be all alone. I wasn't necessarily scared but it felt alien like. I scarfed down my eggs and grabbed chicks leash and left my apartment for work and hour early.
By noon I had fed, walked, cleaned and played with every animal in the shelter. I found myself laying in the middle of the dogs playroom on my back with my arms and legs spread wide. Occasionally a dog or two would come up and attempt to play with me, I didn't budge. I felt unusually, like I was being watched. I stood up and walked out of the playroom, turned the corner and saw the cashier sitting there bored.
"Hey Tyler, I don't feel great I'm going to head out early today" I said passing him with Chica following on my heels.
"Oki doki, have fun, I'll let Matt know" Tyler nodded not looking up from what he was reading.
I shuffled out of the building and started walking. I never drove to work because the shelter, hospital and my apartment were all within a half hour walk.
Chica pulled at her collar eager to be out of work so early. She was like a robot on auto play heading for the hospital. I let my mind wander until I made it into the lobby of the place.
"Hi mark" the lady at the desk said cheerfully
"Hi Suzy" I looked up and tried to smile
"Your here early?"
"Yeah work was kinda slow so I decided to come in early" I smiled
Chica ran up to Suzy and a few of the other people behind the desk. They all created her happily.
"Any idea what wing your going to go to today?" Asked holly
"Not specifically no, I have all say so I might just cover as much ground as I can. So I should go" I said with a smile and called Chica over. She jumped over to me circling me and heading off to the elevator earning a few pats on the heads from visitors.

I looked at my watch and it was already five. I smiled realizing how good it felt seeing all the smiles on people's faces. I visited the children down in the cancer department, some of the elderly, the moms who just had kids. Not only the patients but the family too. I wandering to the north wing which included the emergency rooms.
"Mama puppy!" I littler girl excitedly pulled at the hem of the lady's shirt. The lady looked up, her face was stained red from crying.
"Mama can I pet it?" The girl asked as she kept tugging at the lady. The lady looked at me and I smiled at her. She pushed the girl forward a little and the girl ran up to us. "Hi there mister, can I let your puppy?" She asked kindly.
"Of course, that's what she's here for" I walked forward with Chica and Chica jumped around excitedly.
"Chica sit, Chica calm" I demanded and Chica sat down and relaxed realizing it was work time.
The girl excitedly hugged Chica rubbing her sides up and down and hugging the dog that was almost twice her size. It wasn't long before the lady had started to pet the dog herself. She started talking to me a little, asking me Chica name and what's it like seeing people like this.
It threw me off, it's not often people ask you why you do the things you do.
"I don't know, I like helping others. It's something small but it can help people in their worst times" I said thinking about it slowly. I left the lady not long after with a polite goodbye. I couldn't stop thinking about what she asked. Why did I do this. It didn't make me happy seeing people at their worst, but it made me happy to see people's worst become a little better. It didn't make much sense, but enough for me to do it.
About a half hour later and two floors in, I wandered into a room and froze. A small body laid in the bed unconscious. His body barley moved as he sucked in small breaths. I backed out of the room slowly, but Chica got free and climbed onto a chair that was next to the bed. I turned of my heels and ran out to the closest desk.
"Hi mark, your back already?" Asked the lady behind the desk.
"Yeah... uh who is in room 318?" I asked slowly trying not to sound suspicious with my nervous attitude
"Let me check" she said and stayed quiet for a moment as she clicked away in her computer. "Uh that's a John Doe, haven't been awake since he came in" she replied looking up at me, "why?"
"Eh just curious, he had no visitors and that's kinda unusual of someone so young, can I see his report?" I asked causally, she didn't seem to be suspicious.
"You know we can't let you see the reports." She half drowned
"Oh come on I just want to see what he is in here for" I smiled and she laughed.
"Fine" she chuckled handing me the printed report.
"Thank you!" I practically shouted and took it, quickly scanning the pages.
John Doe, age: 24-30?, hair: brown, eye: brown, height: 5' 9"
My eyes traveled to the section. His injuries included some broken ribs, collapsed lung, a broken foot, a dislocated shoulder and a gunshot wound.
I continued reading until I walked back into my room which to my horror consisted of Chica sitting in the boys lap and the boy chuckling as Chica licked his face. I stood in the doorway frozen with the papers in my hand as the boys eyes traveled to me.
"Is this your dog?"

Again apologies for any typos and grammar mistakes 

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