8: Team

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Chapter 8
I rolled over onto my right side. A sharp pain came from my left side up into my head. My right eye opened slowly but the left one refused to open. Not that it made all the difference, the room I was in only was visible due to a small lamp
in the corner of the room. The floor below me was cold and hard, the air was damp and foul smelling. My eyes adjusted to the small amount of lighting in the room and I could make out a few pieces of furniture. In front of me we're two lounging chairs that sat across from each other with a coffee table in the middle. Behind them was a large desk with the lamp on it. Bookshelves lined the sides of the room and a fancy rug was positioned under the large desk.
I slowly pushed myself up ignoring all the pain. My left eye finally opened allowing me to see better. I looked down and my white shirt was probably more red at this point than white unfortunately. I stood up slowly falling over a few times but eventually managing to stand on my own two feet for the most part.
"You shouldn't be standing yet Sean" a voice echoed through my head sending a shiver down my spine. I hissed hearing my real name.
"I think you underestimate my ability" I shot back. The figure made it way over and sat down in the chair behind the desk.
"I think your hurt and you need my help"
"I didn't ask for your help, in fact I really don't want it" I growled grabbing my stomach feeling the open wound.
"Or you could just fucking take it instead of being an asshat" the voice said almost laughing.
"Sea- I mean jack, can I have him at least help fix you up" the voice said.
"I don't have a choice do I?" I sighed and sat down in the chair. "Just make it quick, I have somewhere to be."
"Yeah I'll get him now" the man said standing up and heading upstairs. I pulled off my shirt and threw it on the ground. Two people returned walking down the stairs.
"So who did ya piss off this time leprechaun" the man said laughing and sitting back down in his chair. The other one stayed silent as he walked over and turned on another light.
"Aw fuck of ye Swedish bastard" I almost laughed trying to ease the pain but only making it worse. The blonde haired boy laughed as he put his feet up onto his desk.
"You know I almost missed having you around all the time"
"No ye didn- awe Fucking hell!" I got cut off by a sharp pain. I looked down to see the brown haired boy stitching closed the large gunshot wound I had gotten weeks ago. "God dammit easy cry, I didn't want to be stabbed to death" the boy laughed but continued to work.
"You gonna tell us what happened?" Cry asked as he worked. I simply shrugged which made cry snarl with me disrupting his work. "Felix make him calm down"
"The Irish dipshit does what he wants, you know that" I shot felix a glance but all he did was laugh. "But really what happened" felix's voice shifted to a more serious tone.
I looked down at cry working on my but the rested my head back letting out a sigh. "I had been working for like a week straight with almost no sleep. It's a long story but some people had been getting involved in stuff I didn't want them poking their noses around in. A friend of mine got caught in the middle of some of it and I had to make sure they were safe. I planned to meet up with him and let him know what was going on but I got interrupted" I could tell Felix was frustrated by my vagueness but I didn't want him to know. I separated myself from Felix a while ago for both of our sakes. Felix was still sore about it though.
"Jack you said when you left us you were stopping." Felix's voice rose clearly frustrated.
"Felix you don't own me anymore, I know you like to think you do but you don't."
"We needed you and you left us"
"I was a mule in the groups relationship. I had no respect." I stood up making cry angry.
"sit down" cry said softly but I ignored.
"I cared about you, we all did! You left us when we needed help."
"You needed me to get you information!" I yelled.
"Sit down please" cry repeated a little louder.
"You are my friend!" Felix shit back. 'Are'. The one word changed the meaning of the sentence. He still thought of us as friends despite everything. My face turned red, with anger I wasn't sure. My fists clench till the knuckles turned white.
"You didn't treat my like a friend!" I shouted.
"SIT DOWN" cry yelled before Felix could rebuttal. Felix and I turned to face cry, for him to yell meant we were clearly being childish.
I sat down slowly and cry continued to work on me. Felix sat down in his chair again and we stayed silent for a moment.
"Jack..." Felix said quietly. I nodded a little. "Who's after you?"
"I-i don't know." Suddenly I felt like crying. "I have tried over and over and over again and fucking again but I can't find them. And if I can't find them...then I'm practically useless" I let out a sigh frustrated. My one job when I was on felix's team was the hacker. I felt with everything and anything that involved finding out something about someone else. Cry was the medic, he rarely got involved with conflict directly. Ken was the brute force dealing with combat mostly. Felix was the mastermind behind it all. I had gotten frustrated with the abuse I had to endure being part of their organization. I was used like a machine rather than a person.
I looked down to see cry was was finished and working in cleaning me up.
"Jack you know that's not true. These things take time and you can't bleed yourself dry trying to figure it out" Felix said but i wasn't paying attention. I stood up pushing cry out of the way and grabbed my jacket and bloodstained shirt. "Jack come back" Felix called for me but I was already leaving. No one tried to follow me out of the house. I threw on the stained shirt covering it up with my jacket.
The next house walk was slow and painful. Not just physically but mentally too. I felt bad for leaving mark, I was nervous she was hurt. That was the first time I had seen my old team for a few months and it was the first time I had been targeted. And I couldn't help but still get frustrated I couldn't fix all of this yet. When I had gotten to marks apartment building I climbed up to the building next to it and made my way into his building and then down into his balcony. I wanted to minimize the amount of cameras seeing me.
I knocked on the window a few time and then a few times more until I heard Chica barking inside. I heard footsteps follow closely behind until the door opened. Inside mark stood with a blank stare on his face.
"Mark I'm so sorry I-" I was cut off by his hand covering my mouth. I was taken by surprise but I didn't question it. Mark placed a finger delicately on his lips telling me to stay quiet. I inched away and sat down in his computer chair tired. Mark left the room and I had to listen hard to hear the distant conversation.
"Yeah it's nothing." I heard mark say.
"Okay good, I should head out though" another voice said cheerfully.
"Yeah, get home safe! Talk to you soon" mark said happily before closing the door.
Who was Mark talking too. My face heated up. I clenched my jaw a little frustrated I didn't know. Marks footstep came back into the room.
"Who was that?"
"Matt, and where the fuck were you."

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