3: awake

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Chapter 3:
"Is this your dog?" The voice asked softly and weak followed by a small cough.
I stayed silent for a Moment unable to react. His voice held an accent I couldn't place due to how softly he spoke. My mind wandered back to the fact that this was the person who I found half dead on my balcony. I panicked a little, my mind flustered and my mouth fell dry.
"W-who are you?" I asked practically choking on my words.
"I could ask you the same." He replied slowly and you could hear the pain in his voice.
"Are y-you Irish?" I asked trying to place his accent.
"Maybe" he said quietly petting my dog. I stayed silent for a minute.
"Why the fuck were you on my balcony?" I blurted out. His looked up from Chica to me. His face showed no emotion, a complete and perfected poker face.
"I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean." His said looking back at Chica stroking her dolly little head.
"Stop avoiding my question." I demanded.
"I don't think I am, do you?" He answered. His face had the smallest smirk on it. It infuriated me.
"Who the fuck are you and how did you get on my balcony." I demanded once again.
"I don't believe I have to tell you anything." He smiled slowly as Chica licked the rough fuzz of a beard.
"It's me or my lawyer." I stated calmly.
His face faded a little bit. "No offense but I don't believe I will be staying long enough to meet your lawyer." He shot back.
"Chica come." Chica padded off of the boy slowly. I noticed as the boy winced at the dogs movements despite how hard he tried to hide it. "I don't think your going to get very far."
"Is that a challenge" the boy laughed.
I scoffed, "your pathetic, you fucking got shot and your just pretending nothing happened" I rolled my eyes.
The boys eyes looked distracted like he was thinking about something else. I stayed silent waiting for a reply. I wanted something from him, i didn't know what but I knew I didn't really care about getting him in trouble.
"I got shot..." the boy said slowly. I couldn't tell if it was a statement or a question.
"Uh yeah...9 millimeter bullet to your right lung. Collapsed the lung. Based on the report the broken ribs were done after being shot" I mumbled looking back at the reports feeling sort of bad considering how painful that would have been to go through. The boy must have seen the concern on my face 
"Hey don't worry the ribs were done after I was unconscious" he chuckled a little as if he was trying to make one of us feel better.
"That's...that" I paused unable to think of what to say next. "Who did it to you?"
"I never said anyone did it to me"
"What so you did it to yourself"
"Why are you even here?" He changed the subject.
"Stop ignoring my questions. Also do I need to re establish the fact you woke up half dead in my balcony."
"I think half dead is an exaggeration"
"God your fucking annoying"
"Thank you, maybe you will leave me alone then"
I sighed and grabbed Chicas leash.
"Next time use the fucking doorbell"
I tuned around with a huff and headed out of the room.
"Will do" The boy shouted back. I could hear the smile in his voice and I despised it.

Sorry to the shorter chapter :/

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