9: tv

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Chapter 9
"Matt and where the fuck were you?"
"Do you have a sweatshirt?" He asked taking off his jacket. I looked to see his white shirt stained red. My eyes widened and I stepped towards him. Suddenly the anger I had for him melted away seeing the pain written on his face.
"Jack..." I tried to start a sentence but he stopped me.
"I'm fine, I'm all fixed but sadly I don't think I can get this out" he said as he started to unbutton the cuffs of the shirt.
"How are you this casual about this!" I yelled but also found myself laughing. Some how him being so casual about all of this made the circumstances seem funny.
"I used to have a lot worse happen.." he seemed to trail off not really finishing. "So anything I can borrow?" He repeated.
"Yeah yeah here" I said turning around and looking through my closet. I found a blue sweatshirt that would probably fit him well since it was a little small on me. I tossed it to him and he caught it with one hand while tugging off his shirt with the other. Along his side there was a large section that was covered with white bandages. At least he got the injuries properly cared for, at least I hope.
"Thanks" he muttered pulling the sweatshirt over his head. I watched as he struggled getting the sweatshirt on without being able to fully lift his one arm. I walked up and helped him pull it down and I laughed as he looked like a small kid who didn't want his moms help.
"I'm fine on my own"
"Yeah yeah just don't bleed on it"
"What I don't get to keep it?" He asked jokingly. He brushed his green hair , which had become matted down by the sweatshirt, out of his eyes. His blue eyes seemed dull and his face looked pale and worn down despite his smile on his face.
"How much have you slept lately" is said leaning forward a little to get a closer inspection of his face.
"Lies." I frowned at him and he looked away. Hi brought his arm to the back of his neck rubbing it awkwardly.
"Eh, um like a few hours a night for the past week"
"A few?" I asked demanding an answer.
"Like three tops" he stated more like a question. His eyes met mine but he looked back down at his feet. He dropped his arm down and I could see how the sweatshirt arms were to long for him. He had little sweater paws. I chuckled a little looking at them and jack looked back clearly concerned why I was laughing at.
"Just try and get more sleep" I said grabbing the sweater paw and pulling him out of the room.
"Hey my legs still work fine." Jack complained as I dragged him down the hall but he didn't make any move to get out of it.
"Yes but this is more fun for me" I smiled and sat on the couch. Jack plopped down on the floor in front of the couch. "Plus you interrupted my tv show I was watching with Matt. Now I'm making you sit here and finish it with me." I said smugly grabbing the remote and hitting the play button.
"Who's Matt?" Jack asked after a moment.
"A friend I met the other day" I said avoiding the circumstances I meet him under. Jack looked confused like he was looking for an answer at the back of his mind. He only let out a quiet "huh" in response.
"Anyways what are we watching?" Jack asked changing the subject.
"What's that?" He said staring at the screen clearly intrigued.
"It's kind of a silly show about this girl who is half zombie and she became a detective because when she eats peoples brains she gets their memories" I rambled out.
"Interesting concept. I miss watching tv" jack said the second part quietly. I looked down at his green head bellow me and questioned what was going through his brain. He seemed very distracted and concerned. No doubt he was stressed but I wasn't sure why. But something else was bothering him too, like he had made a terrible mistake.
We ended up watching the next few episodes of the show and I looked around noticing how dark outside it was. I yawned and looked down to see jack curled in a small ball next to Chica. I stood up carefully avoiding the lump of bodies. Chica got up and followed me but jack didn't wake. I cleaned up some stuff I had left out and walked back over to see jack still peacefully curled up on the ground. I smiled. My apartment didn't feel so empty with him in it. I nudged him a little. He rolled over and looked at me with sleepy eyes.
"I have a guest room, if you wanna stay?" I said softly allowing jack to rub his eyes and process the information. He looked around not really saying anything.
"Yeah...that would be nice" he said in a mouse like voice. He stood up a little but he must have had more bruises I hadn't seen because he couldn't stand very well. I helped him up and half carried him to the guest room and sat him down in the bed.
"Night jack" I got no response as I moved to exit the dark room. I heard some shuffling but everything grew quiet.
"I'm sorry mark" I barley heard as jack croaked out as I left the room. I closed the doer behind me and left to go to bed. I didn't want to know what he meant and I knew it could wait.
I for once drifted off into sleep peacefully.

I'm sorry for not having a better update. I have been super duper sick and I'm still fighting it. I wanted to get something out and well...this is something. Not my best but it's done.

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