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Your POV

We shouldn't have gone this way...

Now we're in a fuckin' train cart, sitting on our asses!

Rick and Carl saved Donna...

She sits in my lap, holding me for dear life as if I'll leave her again.

I placed a kiss on top of her head and pulled her closer to me.

Daryl came over to me and sat beside us.

He didn't have his crossbow so he was a little shaky. He sat there and looked down at his boots.

Donna reached for his hand, and griped it tight.

He smirked and pulled her off my lap, and onto his.

I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"A'ight...we need to get out of here...some how!" Rick whispered.

"How?" Donna asked her Uncle Ricky. She calls him Ricky...it's a little cute.

"...We're gonna fight..." Rick said softly.

She nodded and snuggled closer to Daryl.


Rick is using the watch Hershel gave to Glenn to make a weapon from the wood.

I took off the lasses from my boots and tied them up. I figured I'd choke someone out.

Michonne was on watch.

Daryl used someone's belt and made it into a dagger somehow.

The new people made their own things. It was too dark for me to notice.

Donna sat with Carl in the corner.

I paid close attention to every move.

"Everyone, backs against the walls!" Somone said.

Rick nodded to use all, and we all had our weapons close, and ready for battle.

I gripped my string and looked towards the door.

Suddenly, light shown in.

I looked up and saw something drop in front of me.

It popped and Abraham yelled "MOVE!"

I panicked and stood frozen like a dear in headlights.

Daryl pulled Donna and me out of the way to the wall.

I held onto them tightly, like I was gonna lose them.

Just then, Daryl was ripped from my grip! I grabbed his hand but it slipped.

I felt the tears rush to my eyes.

I looked around and Rick, Glenn, and Bob were taken too.

I felt a cold hand grip my arm.

I was ripped from Donna's grasp.

Donna tried to get to me but Maggie held her back.

I was thrown to the ground and was being held down by a buff guy.

I faced Daryl and saw the look that could kill someone.

I mouthed 'don't' and he stopped

I watched as he tied a zip tie around my rists and pulled me away.

I winked at Daryl and showed him my lasses in my fist.

He nodded and I hid it in my fist.

I now have a gag around my mouth and was being lead somewhere.


I was leaned against the tub that was now full of blood from people I didn't even know.

I stared at the blood. Watching the blood go down the drain. I bit down hard on my gag, trying not to throw up.

Glenn was about to get knocked out until Gareth stepped in talking about amo or rounds. Somethin' like that.

Bob started rambling trying to talk to Gareth.

I looked towards him and just starred at him. Wishing he would shut the hell up.

But no. He wouldn't.

"You don't have to do this!"

"No, I think I do!" Gareth said.

Rick started to ramble too.

I threw my head down in defeat knowing that it just won't stop.

"What was in the bag?" Gareth asked with a furrowed eyebrow.

"...red handled axe, few guns, and knives. I'll use the red handle to kill you..." Rick threatened.

Gareth nodded and looked towards me.

He smirked and looked at Daryl as if he knew we were a thing.

"She's pretty gorgeous..." Gareth said.

I looked into his eyes with courage.

He pulled me up off the ground and took me to the middle of the room.

"Bet you wouldn't mind if I just..." He said as he began to bundle up his fist.

"Tell me where the bag is..." Gareth said as he held me by the shirt and was ready to throw his cold fist into my face.

"Nothing? Alright!" Gareth said and connected his fist with my face.

The impact wasn't that bad but hurt like a bitch!

I got a cut lip and my face felt as if it was on fire.

"Tell me now!" Gareth said.

"I'll lead you o-out there! J-just let me take you to it!" Rick managed.

I waited for impact but heard an explosion instead.

Gareth freaked out and punched me one more time.

This punch made me lose consensus.

I laid on the floor, holding my head from all the pain.

I started to black out until Daryl came over and sat me up, letting the blood rush to my head which cause more pain.

I sat there...trying to gain consensus.

I began to gain it back. Daryl helped me back up to my own two feet.

"We gatta fight!" Daryl said anxiously to get back at Gareth.

I walked over to the two bodies that laid dead on the floor.

I walked across them and went straight for a weapon that was easiest to get to.

I'm gonna raise some hell up in here...

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