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Your POV

Carol looked at me up and down. I am confused and don't know what to say.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked in a strict tone.
Are you kidding me?!

"I'm helping! Where the fuck were you?" I yelled gesturing towards the bag that was full of suplies and weapons.

"I was out...looking for stuff..." She admits. I couldn't look her straight in the eyes and actually believe what she was saying.

"No you weren't, Carol! You were planning on leaving us! You planned this all along! Once something big would come around, you'd leave!" I said inching closer to her face.

She looked at me wth sadness in her eyes and looked down. She knew I was right. She knew she wouldn't have gotten far because I would be hot on her trail.

"Come on. Let's get you back to the group." I sighed and took her hand.

"No! I can't do that! I can't stand seeing you be happy with Daryl! Do you kow how difficult that is?!" She yelled.

I stopped and dropped her hand. I slowly looked at her with concern. What was she talking about?

"Wow....So you can't find one bone in your body to feel happy for us?! That's fucking low..."

It was quiet for a second. All she did was look at me with disbelief in her eyes. I cold tell she was thinking of her husband. That abusive son of a bitch. Ed...

"Carol....Ed is gone. He's never coming back. You don't have to worry about him. You don't have to be scared..." I said kind of irritated but feeling sympathy for her. She needed it...

"I'm not worrying about Ed. I'm scared of being alone for the rest of my life! I thought I had a chance with Daryl until you're skinny ass whore self came and took that from me! Yeah, it's low of me to say this but it's true...Daryl doesn't love you...he's afraid of being alone too..." Carol said.

I clenched my jaw and grabbed my knife out of my pocket slowly. I charged at her with full force and held my knife to her neck. I felt the heat rise up in my blood. My blood pressure began to get high. Carol looked at me as if she wanted me to slit her throat. She wasn't scared. Sue wasn't worried...She's alone...

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and whisper into my ear trying to calm me down. Daryl...
I snapped out of it and dropped my knife standing up. I glared down at Carol...and opened my mouth.

"You should have left when you had the chance...you should have killed me..." I said and began to walk back inside.


It's been over an hour and Daryl hasn't stepped foot inside the door. He's probably off with Carol. The though of Carol gave me the shivers. I can't believe let that bitch watch Donna.

I heard the door open and Carol stepped in.

No Daryl....

"What...?" I asked angrily. I couldn't find the strength in me to stand up.

She began to walk faster towards me.

"What?!" I asked again with me anger.

All she did was run at me with a while lot of force. I just sat and watched her. I wasn't scared. I wasn't worried. But this time...she was...

She stood over me with a pistol held inches away from my head. Tears ran down her cheeks and all she could do was glare at me.

"Pull the trigger..." I said, testing her limits. I'm not afraid to die. I'm afraid of losing Donna and Daryl. Being afraid of death isn't something to feel fear for. It will come soon enough.

Carol stares down at me. Fear in her eyes. I know she won't do it. I hear the door open and Rick walks in with Judith on his hip.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" Rick says in his deep voice.

"Nothing...just...ummm..." Carol stutters.

"Ummm what?!" Rick asks.

"Look, we can't have her here! She can't be trusted!" Carol says, pulling her gun away from my face.

"She can't be trusted?! No Carol...You can't be trusted...I think you should go..." Rick stated.

"No Rick...It's fine! Let her stay." I said, standing up and looking over at Carol who looked just as confused as Rick was.

"No...I'll go...I was planning to anyways...." Carol says and walks out.

I look over at Rick and I reach for Judith.

"You sure you're up to looking after her?" He asked.

I nod as he hands me Judith. I put on a small smile and turn into babysitting mode....

I know it's the wrong time but...I wonder if Daryl wants a kid...?

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