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It's been at least a week since we've stepped foot out of the gates of safety. I'm not gonna lie....I miss the woods. The woods is where I felt at ease and welcomed. Where I could let out all my anger and rage.

I lay in bed next to Daryl, thinking that if I even told Daryl I wanted to go out for a few seconds, he'd freak out. He'd go on and on about why I can't and won't. I turn over to see him fast asleep still.

I peck him on the lips slightly and slowly make my way out of bed.
I slip on my black tank top with stains. I pull over my leather jacket and skiny jeans.

I slowly walk out and head down the stairs. I rush to get my boots and slip them on.

Pulling my hair up into a messy ponytail, I slowly close the door, turn around and jump to see a woman on the porch.

"Ummm....hi! I'm Alisa! You must be Donna!" She says, shaking my hand.


"Oh please! Daryl is so lucky to have such a beautiful daughter! Now, where is that big teddy bear?" She states, pushing past me and walking into the house.

I stand confused but rush up in front of her.

"Wait..." I growl. "You have no right walking into my house, looking for my Daryl and calling me Donna! Listen here, 'Alisa'! I am y/n! Daryl and I are together! If you even think that you can come in and steal him away from me with your sexy body and big ass boobs! You're god damn out of your fucking mind!" I yelled, pushing her out of the house.

I lock the door and run to Daryl.

I slam open the door, grab a pillow and Chuck it at him.

"Who the fuck is Alisa?!" I grumble.

"Who?!" He asks, frustrated that I woke him up the way I did.

"Alisa! She called you teddy bear.....have anything to explain to me?!" I hissed, letting tears drip down my face.

"I have no fucking clue! Carol must have sent her to me so I can clean up her act and teach her how to defend herself!" He said, rolling out of bed, grumbling.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I said, stopping him from trying to leave.

"...look....I found her on my last run and she was in desperate need for help. She was bleeding, flirting, and bitchy. I tried to get Carol to help her but she said I found her, I need to fix her. Y/n, I love you and only you. You can never be replaced...." he says wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my head.

I hug him back.

"Well umm....I kinda scared her away sooo....you're gonna have to find her...." I said pulling away to see a smirk turn into a chuckle.

"This is why I love you." He says and pushes the hair out of my face.

Daryl leaves to go find her and I go to wake up Donna, pushing off the idea of going into the woods.

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