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''I'll be back in just a bit.'' Harry said to Matty and Rebecca, which was a cue for me to leave. ''Bye guys.'' I gave them a small wave before Harry and I walked out of the house. He kept a fast pace as he was walking in front of me. I wasn't wearing a jacket so the cold air didn't do me any good, at all. I shivered and by the time we reached his black Range Rover, I couldn't be more happy about it. 

''Were you cold?'' Harry asked as he glanced at me from his drivers spot. ''I was, yeah.'' I said, luckily he had put on the heating in the car. Harry let out a sigh as he looked at the road in front of him, and started the engine. ''You gotta tell me this stuff, if you're cold, just tell me.'' Harry muttered and I glanced at him, was he actually serious? ''Are you serious right now?'' I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him, but he didn't look at me. ''Ofcourse I am, Allison.'' He spoke as he stopped for a red light and I looked back at the road. ''Okay.'' I replied shortly, ofcourse I wasn't going to tell him shit anymore. I meant it when I promised myself to be done with Harry.

Harry pulled up in my driveway, in the exact same spot as he stood parked when he picked me up for dinner. ''Thanks for the ride.'' I said quickly as I turned to open the car door. ''Wait, Al.'' He spoke suddenly and I reluctantly turned around to him. ''Yeah?'' I asked with a fake smile plastered on my lips. ''I didn't meant to act that agressive towards you.'' He mumbled, he couldn't even apalogize properly. ''I know.'' I said softly, little did he know it was a little too late for this. He scared the hell out of me, and thought he could just fix everything by saying 'he didn't meant it like that'. Well, no.

''Goodnight, then.'' He smiled weakly at me and I gave him a quick nod before I stepped out of the car. I took a deep shivering breath in as I walked towards my house. I looked back and saw Harry staring at me from out of his car. He gave me a small wave and I smiled weakly, he probably couldn't even see it since it was quite dark outside. I opened the frontdoor and heard Harry's car take off.

I shut the door behind me and walked inside the livingroom, my parents still weren't home. I sighed as I walked upstairs and put my pj's on. I washed off all of my makeup and put my hair in a messy bun. I layed down in bed, and I suddenly felt immensely tired all of the sudden. I soon shut my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.


The next morning my alarm clock rang, and I suddenly realised it was Monday. I let out a loud groan as I struggled to step out of bed. I decided to take a hot shower to wake myself up a little. I let my hair air dry, and put on some makeup. I put on my ankle length jeans, with a loose band tee on top. I put on my white toms and walked downstairs. 

''Goodmorning sweetie.'' My mum smiled at me as she sat at the dining table with the morning newspaper in her hand. ''Morning, mum.'' I said smiling as I made a sandwich for myself. ''How was dinner yesterday?'' She asked as she took a sip from her coffee. I almost choked on my sandwich, and began coughing. ''Are you alright, sweetie?'' She asked worried as she patted my back. I quick grabbed a glass of water and took a few sips. ''I'm okay, now.'' I smiled sheepishly but my mum looked a little worried at me. ''Ýeah, dinner was lovely.'' I wasn't exactly lying, right?

''Oh good.'' She smiled as she sat back down at the dining table. ''How is it going with English?'' She asked, God couldn't she stop asking me question that would involve 'Mr. Styles'. ''Erm, alright I guess.'' I said shrugging as I stood up to grab my car keys. ''That doesn't sound too well, do you want me to have a talk with him again?'' She asked and I quick shook my head no. ''I wouldn't mind though.'' She grinned and I rolled my eyes at her immaturity, but I couldn't prove her wrong, he was hella fine but little did she know about what was hiding behind those cute dimples and emerald eyes.

''Today you're out early, aren't you?'' My mum asked before I put on my leather jacket. ''Yep, why?'' I asked her and she smiled mischievously at me. ''I'm free today, I thought we could have some daughter-mother time.'' She smiled and I agreed to it since we hadn't do something fun together in ages.

I walked towards my car and soon sped off to school. I arrived within a few minutes, and parked my car. I looked to my right and saw Harry and Mrs. Tubbs talking to eachother. I mentally gagged at the sight, I could see how obviously Harry wasn't serious with her. I walked further, and I saw how Harry glanced at me but I ignored him as I walked straight up to Marcus. I still wasn't on good terms with him, and that sucked.

''Hey.'' I smiled at him and he turned to me. ''Hey, Allison.'' He mumbled to me as he turned away from me. ''How was your weekend?'' I asked interested and I heard him sigh deeply, as if it was a struggle to talk to me. ''Alright, yours?'' He asked as his back was still facing me. ''Same.'' I spoke and he just nodded as he walked inside the school. I followed his fast pace, as he was walking towards his locker. ''Please stop acting like this, Marc.'' I mumbled as I leant against the locker next to his. ''Give me one good reason.'' He spoke as he shut his locker loudly and turned to me. ''Because you're my best friend and I love you very much.'' I said determined and I saw how a smile crept on his face, and I couldn't help but smile back. ''That were two, you idiot.'' He grinned and before he could even process what was happening, I had flung my arms around his neck, engulving him in tight embrace.

''I've missed you, loser.'' I smiled and I felt how his arms wrapped around my waist. ''Sorry I was acting like a jerk, I should just accept we are better off like friends.'' Marcus admitted and I gave him a kiss on his cheek. ''We were both jerks, let's call it a truce.'' I said and he agreed as suddenly the bell rang, indicating we should go to our classes, which happened to be English from Mr. Styles.

''Did you do your homework?'' Marcus asked me as we sat down in the back of the class. ''Oh shit, did we have homework?'' I asked, I didn't even remember it. ''Yeah, you had to make page 31 of your workbook.'' Marcus said chuckling, and I shrugged. Jane walked into the class as she greeted us, and sat on the spot in front of us. ''How was your weekend?'' She asked me smiling. ''Alright.'' I mumbled as I put my textbook and workbook on my table. '''Mine was cool too, I just went clubbing with a few girls.'' She spoke and I nodded. ''Sounds fun.'' I said and before she could even say anything, Mr. Styles walked into the class.

''God, I can never get used to how hot my English teacher is.'' Jane said as she fanned herself jokingly. Marcus chuckled softly as he rolled his eyes at her, same goes for me. It was so weird to see him standing in front of the class again. In the weekend I totally forgot he was actually my English teacher. I just saw him as, Harry? If that makes any sense.

''Alright, who hasn't done his homework?'' Mr. Styles asked as he scanned the classroom, the only person who put his hand up, was me. ''Allison, care to explain?'' He asked as his eyes stopped at mine. ''I was busy with other stuff.'' I said, he should know I was talking about playing his fake girlfriend. ''Next lesson, it has to be done and you gotta show it to me.'' He said and I nodded understandingly. ''Why isn't she getting any detention?'' I heard an all too familiar voice from my left, it was Jesy. 

AN: In this chapter, you get more information about how Allison is and how she interacts with friends/family so there isn't much happening, really. Anyways, vote and comment as much as you can, please :) It really does mean a lot to me, it gives me impression you guys actually like this story and that motivates me to write more and better. Xo

Mr StylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora