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''We'll talk later about this situation, me and Becca gotta go.'' Matty spoke and I realised they were coming out the room. I quick sprinted to the bathroom, and locked to the door.

Harry knew Joe, which means Joe knows Harry. But was Harry talking about the same Joe I saw in the mall today? Maybe it was a completely different Joe, right? Oh who am I kidding, how many Joe's are there actually? I leant against the sink, breathlessly from the adrenaline that was rushing through my body. Suddenly I heard a knock on the wooden door, making me jump slightly. ''Allison, are you there?'' I heard Harry's voice, as I felt my heart beat in my throat. ''Allison? Rebecca told me you were here.'' He spoke as he tried to twist the doorknob but I had locked it.

''Y-Yeah I'm here.'' I stuttered as I checked myself in the mirror. ''Are you okay?'' I heard him and I nodded but forgot he couldn't actually see me. ''I'll be out in a minute.'' I said, I could hear he didn't leave yet. ''Okay.'' He spoke calmly as I heard his footsteps in the hallway, as I let out a shaky breath.

I quick unlocked the door before he would get suspicious about anything and walked to the livingroom. ''There she is.'' Rebecca smiled at me as she stood up, I gave her a weak smile. ''Too bad Matty and I have to leave now, but we'll see you another time soon.'' She said smiling and I opened my mouth to say something but Harry was sooner. ''Yep.'' He said as he popped the p, I gave him a confused look but he brushed it off purposely. 

We said our goodbyes and soon it was just Harry and me sitting on the sofa. ''You'll tell them next time, right?'' Harry asked as he raised an eyebrow at me. ''Yeah.'' I said softly as I looked away from him. ''Do you wanna stay or are you going home?'' Harry asked, so much for feeling welcome here. ''What do you want?'' I asked softly and I saw Harry shrug carelessly. ''I'm going, then.'' I spoke as I stood up but suddenly felt Harry's hand wrapping around mine, pushing me back on the sofa.

''What's wrong?'' He asked with an raised eyebrow, as he held my hand tightly. ''Why would there be anything wrong?'' I said as I looked at the turned off tv. ''You have been avoiding my gaze this whole time, just like you're doing now. Allison, be honest with me.'' He spoke and I slowly turned my face to his as I bit my lip.

''Can you be honest with me as well then?'' I spoke and his head shifted slightly to the right. ''Depends on the question.'' He answered truthfully. ''Never mind then.'' I said as I sighed and stood up. Harry stood up as well as he followed me through the hallway. ''What are you talking about?'' He asked confused as he followed me. ''I don't know, okay?'' I snapped at him as I tried to find my car keys.

''Allison make up your mind for once, fuck sake.'' Harry scowled as I felt him suddenly push me against the wall. ''Who's Joe?'' I asked sharply and I saw how his lips parted in an perfect 'o', he obviously wasn't expecting this question. He quick fixed himself as his lips pursed back in a straight line and his eyebrows furrowing slightly. ''Why?'' He spoke calmly, but I saw how his fists clenched next to my head. ''You promised to be honest with me, and I asked you the question so answer me.'' I demanded and I saw how he licked his lips, and I expected a crazy outburst, but I was surprised when I heard him sigh, and walk away from me.

He turned his back to me, but I still stood leaning against the wall. ''What does he has against you?'' I spoke softly, remembering how he had asked me about a certain person, who was obviously Harry. ''Against me?'' Harry suddenly asked unbelievably as he turned around to me. ''Have you been talking to him, Allison?'' He asked and I couldn't quite make out whether he was mad or worried. ''W-What if I did?'' I asked as I bit my lip. ''Fuck, Allison, are you serious?'' He spat angry as he stormed away to the livingroom. ''It's not my fault!'' I defended myself, but nothing could help. I saw how Harry grabbed an empty vase and threw it against the white painted wall. I bit my lip, what did I do?

''H-He was the one that almost assaulted me for heaven sake. I didn't have much choice, now did I?'' I said angry, but really, I was just feeling helpless. ''Assaulted you?'' Harry asked wide eyed as he suddenly sat down on the sofa with his face in his hands. I heard him mutter profanities to himself and I slowly sat down next to him. ''I can't believe this..'' He muttered as he shook his head a little.

''When, where and how late did you talk to him, Allison?'' He asked calmly as he looked at me. ''I-I don't know exactly.'' I muttered and I saw him biting his lip before he stood up and kicked a glass off the table, it fell just like the vase into a hundred broken pieces.

He suddenly sat down in between my knees, so I had no other choice than to look at him. ''I need answers, and I need them now.'' He spoke through gritted teeth, I could see this was way worse than what I imagined it to be.

''I was shopping,'' I began and he nodded as he pressed his lips tightly on eachother. ''With my mum, and erm, she went to get the car out of the parking lot but I had to go to the bathroom.'' I said and he gave me a nod for me to continue. ''As I was walking through the empty mall, a figure pushed me roughly against the wall.'' I gulped and I saw how Harry had to restrain himself from getting angry. ''I turned around and saw this man around his fourties I believe, big blue eyes and he was bald. And he kept asking me about what I know about 'him' but I didn't know who he was talking about so I couldn't give him any answers.'' I said and shivered at the memory. Harry shut his eyes tightly before opened them up again, his hands found mine and he squeezed them softly. ''Continue.'' He said with a bare voice. ''He was growing unpatient with me since I couldn't help him but luckily there was this other guy, and he was like 'Joe, there are people, we need to leave' so the guy called Joe, suddenly let go of me but told me not to tell anyone about this and that we weren't done yet.'' I let out a shaky breath and I saw how Harry did the same.

''But now you still haven't told me quite who Joe is.'' I muttered softly, almost afraid to find out.

''We'll need a glass of champagne with this.'' Harry sighed as he stood up and poured two glasses of red wine in for us and put it on the table.

AN: So know you know who Joe was talking about, in case you didn't know yet. Do you guys still like the twist the story has taken or not? Another question for you guys: Who is your favorite character in this story & why? Please vote and comment a looooot, it makes me update faster for you guys! Xo

Mr StylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora