happiness is just a veil

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Kier Is cooking food for himself when the tweet comes through, he stops cooking and reads it smiling at the picture "they all look so happy" he thinks before frowning, the smile falling from his lips.

After he has finished cooking he eats and goes to his room and begins to look around for something drew used to call the 'box of chaos'  since the box is well unorganised.

He finally finds it at the top of his wardrobe gathering large quantities of dust, he stands on his tiptoes and grabs the box down a few items spilling out from the top of it and tumbling to the floor.

He climbs down and sits crossed legged in front of the box going through letters, artwork and various fan made items from gigs he stands up to grab something but knocks the box over causing everything to spill out "shit" kier mumbles crouching down to put everything back in the box when a picture catches his eye.

He picks it up it looks as fresh as the day it was taken,he picks it up losing his train of thought as he admires it.

He can see the moment in front of him, he can hear the guys talking and laughing happily,hes there again every smell,sound and view so clear and crisp as that day the pictures on the walls making him feel dizzy with excitement suddenly it all fades its as if the photo is being burned it all disappears so quickly and too soon for kier to let go of.

He sits in the middle of the floor dazed and confused before dropping the photo looking down at it,its now dark outside how long was he daydreaming for? It cant have been that long could it?. His mind reeling and heart almost beating out of his chest he needs to tell someone he would tell Laurence but hes scared they haven't spoken much since the final two shows as FVK.

He frantically grabs his phone and tweets "do you ever daydream of what you were once part of and how amazing it felt to be part of such an incredible bond? ".

Within seconds his notifications are flooded with responses from fans some worrying about him and others  agreeing with him.

Hold tight and make pretend that this will make amends,hold tight and make pretend that this is how it ends.

living in regret as we feel aliveWhere stories live. Discover now